Chapter Ninety: Pope Paul III

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12th of October 1535 - Richmond Palace

"The Duchess of Suffolk has been safely delivered of a son, I hear that Her Grace has named the boy in honour of the King," Elizabeth Boleyn, Duchess of Wiltshire stated knowing that the news when it reached the Duke would certainly be welcome. 

It had only been last year that his son with the late Mary Tudor had passed on, not even a year after the Duke had buried his third wife leaving him a widow. 

The lovely autumn day was just what they had hoped for when Anne had broken away from her duties insisting on a walk through the gardens so that she might stretch her legs before she attended the privy council meeting that afternoon. 

Lord Henry Brandon was the first child of the Duke of Suffolk and his fourth wife, Catherine Willoughby; the daughter of Maria de Salinas, who had reportedly been at her daughter's side when she had given birth. 

"I pray that this boy will be strong for Brandon's sake, he lost both sons by my husband's late sister..." Anne recalled quietly, she would send a gift as was expected since their husbands were close friends even if she was unsure that Catherine would accept a gift from her. 

It was no secret to Anne that the new Duchess of Suffolk was quiet supporter of the Dowager Princess of Wales, the woman was her namesake after all and her mother had been one of Katherine's most loyal ladies. 

"There is also the rumour that the Duchess of Calais is expecting, although nothing has been confirmed at this time," Elizabeth continued linking arms with her youngest daughter, she could not be more relieved for such news especially considering the Alliance had been secured through the marriage of Margaret Douglas and Antoine Bourbon. 

The news that the marriage might have successful produced a child was something that had been hoped for from the moment that the couple had been wed last year. 

"You always seem to know the most recent gossip," Clarice stated with a smile, her return to court had been overdue and she had been eager for the distraction especially with the news that had arrived from Rome. 

It had left her rather undecided on how she felt about the death of Pope Clement, she could not forgive him for the pain that he had caused her yet she was sorrowful for the man that had guided her after the death of her father when she was but a child.

"Is there no news from Italy?" Anne asked quietly, she glanced back at her ladies that followed them from a dutiful distance so that the Queen could speak with her mother and sister-in-law without fear of being overheard. 

Anne was no fool, she was well aware that there would be spies in her household who reported on her actions; they would report if she sneezed the wrong way or voiced an opinion that could cause complications in her role as regent. 

"They await to see who will be elected Pope, only then shall they continue their advance to take Naples from the Emperor," Clarice replied softly, she longed for the return of her husband. 

She had never thought that the war against the Emperor would last a year, but the date was fast approaching and Clarice longed to have him home with her and their children. 

It pained her greatly that he had yet to meet their son, she longed for him to lay eyes on William and dote upon him as he had done when the girls had been born. 

"All things seemed to fall in their favour. I have even heard that the sweating sickness has struck the Emperor's territories that slows his counter attack against the Alliance. 

The Habsburg Empire that he adores has been crippled," Elizabeth told them, she would not dare name her source but she knew that the continued delay in response from the Emperor could only work in their favour. 

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