Chapter One Hundred & Twelve: All Will Be Well

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3rd of August 1537 - Hampton Court Palace

"My congratulations Cromwell," King Henry announced shaking the hand of his most trusted minister, today was a most glorious occasion and there could be no better day for a wedding especially one attended by the King and his Queen. 

Thomas Cromwell nodded his head and bowed graciously to the king, it was a big achievement of his own and he was most pleased to see his only son married on this day. 

It had taken a lot of consideration on his part, negotiating had been carefully done but Thomas was most pleased to see Gregory marry a cousin of the Queen; one that had already proven herself capable of baring children. 

Lady Elizabeth Ughtred was a loyal lady-in-waiting to Queen Anne, she had risen in her position since entering the Queen's household despite her sister becoming the king's mistress. 

Elizabeth had two children by her late husband, Henry and Margery and had been largely rewarded for her loyalty by the king who had granted the couple the manors of Lepington and Kexby, previously held by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. 

She was well-placed at court, in the service of Anne Boleyn, to support her husband's interests. In August 1532, when the pro-Boleyn Sir Anthony Ughtred was appointed captain and Governor of Jersey, it was almost certainly due to the influence of Anne Boleyn. 

He served in person, and remained in the post until his death. Elizabeth had also served the Queen during her coronation, riding in the procession with Queen Anne and had remained in court with the Queen in after the death of her husband and everything that had occurred with her sister. 

Gregory had been most agreeable to the match, the only son and heir of Thomas was quickly following in his father's footsteps and had been granted the title of Baron Cromwell before the wedding. 

The King having recently granted Thomas the Earldom of Essex as a reward for his service in celebration of the birth of his second son, Geoffrey. 

"Thank you Your Majesty," Thomas said looking over to where Gregory and Elizabeth were, he had high hopes for the marriage and he hoped that it would result in the furthering of his line. 

There was no hope that the King would ever accuse him now of being against the Queen, he had married his son into her family and he knew that the King would never be swayed against Queen Anne now that she had two sons.

Prince Alexander was now securely at Ludlow, learning to rule under the watch of the Duke of Suffolk and the Duke of Bedford; letters often being sent to Denmark to his future bride. 

There had been no discussion yet on a match for Geoffrey but no doubt a grand match would be found for the boy in time that would match his siblings. 

Elizabeth and Beatrice were educated in the languages of their future realms, Queen Anne didn't spare any expense when it came to the education of her daughters; who would no doubt be the finest educated Princesses in Christendom if she had her way. 

The news that Queen Madeleine of Scotland was pregnant had been welcomed, with the Scottish couple having returned to Scotland and taken up residence at St Andrews as they prepared for the Queen to enter her confinement. 

Queen Anne had sent her well wishes to the new Queen via the ambassador, she had known Madeleine from her time spent at the french court where Anne had been one of her mother's ladies. 

Thomas looked around the room, he had never imagined that when he had been brought to the King's attention only a few years earlier that he would be in this position. 

After Worsley had been cast aside, it had been down to Anne that he had become a royal favourite to the king; that had seen him become the right hand man to him and it was him that Henry listened to more than anyone else. 

He had been Henry's principal secretary and chief minister for three years now, a position which he had held for some time in all but name and he had done everything that the King had ever asked of him. 

His power was all but secure now, even if he clashed on occasion with the Queen; they both knew where they stood with one another when it came to their roles in Henry's life.


Château de Fontainebleau, France

"The Dauphine is with child again," King Francis stated reading the letter that he had received from his son and heir, it was relieving news especially considering the fact that Henri had brought Diane back to court to punish Catherine. 

His son had been deeply displeased with the birth of his daughter, Princess Elisabeth, the girl was however doted upon by her father and he visited the nursery often to see her while all but avoiding her mother. 

Catherine for her part had taken it all in her stride, holding her head high when she had been at court ignoring the mistress of her husband and showing her displeasure when Diane entered the room. 

"That is wonderful news sweetheart," Queen Elisabeth stated with a smile, she was most pleasured and relieved for Catherine's sake knowing that Henri was not making this easier on her. 

For her own part, the Queen had tried to welcome Catherine into her circle while refusing to entertain the mistress of her step-son nor her daughters. 

Catherine had not said anything to the Queen about such actions but it was clear to Elisabeth that the younger woman was grateful to her for what she had done and making her stance on Henri's actions clear. 

"I've also had a letter from Isabella of Portugal," Francis said with a sigh, he should have known it was coming and he had hoped to avoid it but it had been something that was clear on his mind now. 

Things had finally returned to a sense of normalcy and Francis was no fool to think that all the hurts had been forgotten about what had occurred in the past. 

"She expresses her congratulations on the birth of our daughter. Says that she wishes to heal the hurt of the pass and proposes that Yolande be betrothed to her son, Philip," Francis told his wife, he hadn't even started thinking about matches for his youngest daughter with Margaret still needing a husband. 

Talks were being held with the Duke of Savoy to see his daughter married to a much closer match, it surprised Francis that Isabella had instead aimed for his youngest daughter who was ten years younger than Philip. 

Elisabeth was silent on the matter, a lump in her throat knowing that to see her daughter as a Queen would be any mother's desire but it was the groom that concerned her. 

The sudden death of Charles had rocked his realms, things having not gone well for his children since then and Isabella had been left to deal with her warmongering husband's mess. 

"She writes that she knows that I have every reason to refuse, but for the sake of peace she wishes that I consider the match. That she swears that the match will last, that the boy will honour the match that she proposes for him," Francis stated, he wondered Isabella had convinced those around her of this path. 

That the ten year old king would have a regent for another few years, there was no telling what sort of man that Philip would turn into without a father to guide him; from what Francis knew Ferdinand had not been welcomed back to Spain since his fallout with his brother and breaking Eleanor from her prison.

"She also offers her younger son, Charles for Princess Elisabeth," Francis stated knowing that the match for his granddaughter would be highly considered, Henri would warm to the idea fast especially knowing that his daughter would be secure in such a marriage. 

"Spain is in need of allies," Elisabeth noted knowing that the war had left the country broken, it had been left isolated by the alliance and no doubt with no one to turn to now. 

Ferdinand had arranged a marriage to King Charles for his own daughter, no doubt Isabella hoped for peace now and that a marriage between Philip and Yolande would guarantee that the alliance wouldn't turn on them. 

"That she is," Francis murmured, there was a lot to be considered before he agreed to anything and he wanted the best match possible for his daughter; Yolande deserved the best and he would not see his daughter shamed or abused in any sort of marriage going forward. 

The last thing that he wished was for any of his daughters was for them to be treated like how he had treated Eleanor during their marriage; he would protect each of them with everything that he had. 

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