Chapter Eighty-Nine: The Medici Heir

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3rd of October 1535 - Palazzo Medici, Duchy of Florence

Staring down at the parchment that he had been handed by his aunt, Ippolito scrutinized the writing unable to believe what he was reading. 

The news that Pope Clement had died had spread quickly and Ippolito did wonder if the situation here in Florence had hastened him to his grave after the news had spread that Alessandro had been killed by Lorenzino. 

"Is this Cardinal Alessandro to be trusted?" Ippolito asked looking up from the letter that he had been handed, it was certainly not what he had expected when he had stepped into his office that morning in need of a distraction. 

Mary had entered her confinement only weeks earlier and one of her ladies had woken him early that morning with the announcement that the Duchess of Florence was in labour with their second child. 

It pleased Ippolito immensely that their child would be born within the walls of the place that he had called home, it had surely been many years since the Palazzo had been witness to the birth of a Medici. 

"He was here at the court of my father, he was a great supporter of my brother during his time as Pope and from what I do recall he was a supporter of Giulio's as well. It appears he wishes to keep such a long-standing tradition," Lucrezia de' Medici explained as she rested upon the chair that she had been offered when she had arrived that morning. 

The news that Alessandro Farnese was seeking an alliance with them was a great surprise, one that Lucrezia was eager to present to her nephew especially if things went as planned. 

The Papal throne was empty as of right now, the conclave would not be called until later that month and with everything that was happening right now, it was imperative that the Alliance had the Pope on their side rather than someone who would side with the Emperor during their residence in Italy. 

"And what does Cardinal Farnese wish for in return help getting him elected as Pope?" Ippolito asked wanting to cut to the chase, there was still much to be done and there was no telling when the Emperor would strike against them. 

The news that Ferdinand had released his sister from her imprisonment and had allowed her to remarry had spread quickly as did his intentions of joining the alliance.

It appeared it was not just them that had grown tired of the Emperor's overreaching hand when it came to his eagerness for war, his desire to claim all of Europe in the Habsburg name was no secret. 

"A marriage alliance between his grandson, Ottavio and your daughter, Lucrezia," Lucrezia stated simply, from what she recalled Ottavio was the second boy of Cardinal Farnese's eldest son who had been legitimised some years back. 

However, the eldest grandson had entered the church and could not inherit any titles that might be passed down; it reminded Lucrezia much of the negotiations that had taken place between her father and Pope Innocent VIII when the two of them had been in conflict. 

"Cardinal Farnese states that he shall grant his eldest son the title of Duke of Parma if he is elected as Pope, which would be inherited by Ottavio, making your daughter a Duchess one day," Lucrezia continued, it was the best that they could hope for in this situation especially when they needed such support as this. 

The very idea that the next Pope would side with them eased her mind greatly, they had several Kings that they could persuade to support the ascension of Cardinal Farnese who was considered a favourite for the election. 

Despite his advanced age, Lucrezia knew that having such support now was imperative especially now that the Alliance had turned it's gaze towards the Kingdom of Naples; perhaps this was the boast that they needed. 

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