Chapter One: Papal Planning

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20th March 1530 - The Vatican, Papal States

"Have we come to a solution on how to handle the English problem?" Pope Clement VII asked turning to look at his advisors, he had tried to putting off deciding for as long as possible but his time was running out. 

He had hoped that if he stalled long enough that perhaps King Henry would grow bored of his whore and decide to remain with good Queen Katherine; however, that had yet to happen and with each day that passed things grew more worrisome. 

The English King who had once been dubbed Defender of the Faith grew more unpredictable and those who surrounded him continued to whisper the words of heresy in his ears. 

It was clear that they could not allow this situation to continue, the growing heresy that was spreading across Europe was a great concern of his. 

"Not yet, Your Holiness," one of his advisors said with a shake of his head, he looked to the other men knowing that King Henry would not accept no for an answer and was desperate for his marriage to Katherine of Aragon to end. 

They could not dissolve the marriage between the King and Queen, not without angering Emperor Charles; they had only just dealt with the Sack on Rome where Pope Clement having been held hostage. 

The last thing that they wanted was another war on their doorstep after only a few years, they were certain that the answer that they wished for would come soon enough to King Henry's issue. 

"Perhaps if there were someone to draw his attention away from his whore," Pope Clement mused staring out of the window and down into the gardens, the weather was beautiful for the time of year and he was thankful to be away from the stuffy place that had been his prison. 

There had been a time that he had feared that he might not see the city again, it had crossed his mind that he would not survive his imprisonment and he was thankful that the Lord had granted him more time. 

There was much still for him to do and he could not leave this world a mess, he was determined to not be remembered as the Pope that had lost any countries to the growing heresy of Luther that was spreading like a plague. 

"Someone that we had no doubts on their loyalty to Rome," Pope Clement continued, he did not look back at his advisors as he spoke; his eyes caught on a figure enjoying the morning sun in the gardens.

The men gathered at the table looked at one another, none of them speaking as they tried to work out just where His Holiness was going with this; where would they possibly find someone like that, it was hard enough finding loyal men these days. 

Anyone could be swayed especially when they were so far away, how would the find someone that would not betray them once they were in England and away from watchful eyes for the right price. 

"Perhaps all this situation needs is a woman's touch? We have tried to be patient with him, hoping that he will see the error of his ways, we have demand that he return to his wife," Pope Clement stated looking back at the men that remained seated over his shoulder. 

Nothing that they had done so far had made any difference to what was happening in England, King Henry still wanted his divorce and was living with his whore as if she was now his wife. 

 No calls to return to Queen Katherine seemed to make the situation any better; he wanted the decision on his marriage to be made in England something that they could not allow to happen since Rome would not give him satisfaction. 

"Do you recall my late uncle Giuliano's daughter? I took her in after the unfortunate death of her mother?" Pope Clement asked turning back to the other men, he knew with certainty that Clarice would not let him down after everything that he had done for her. 

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