Chapter 14: What's Wrong with Kristy?

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Chapter 14: What's Wrong with Kristy?

Joe checked his watch and paced the family room.

Nick: I'm sure Kristy is fine Joe
Joe: she better be, if not her butt is in trouble, she knows she's supposed to come home straight after school when she's grounded. I have no way of contacting her where she is

Just then Kristy quietly sneaks into the house and closes the door behind her.

Joe: Kristen Hope Jonas, where have you been?
Kristy: *jumps and turns arounds* uh... at school
Joe: school ended hours ago young lady. You know you're supposed to come straight home after school while you're grounded, since you can't follow a simple order, Nick and I will be driving and picking you up from school for now on to make sure you get home
Kristy: I'm not a baby! I don't need you two bringing me to school, it's already bad enough you two are my professors at my school. Why are you always in my business, leave me alone! *runs upstairs*
Joe: Nick...
Nick: *takes off belt* already ahead of you

They both headed upstairs together and went to Kristy's room but it was locked.

Joe: Kristy open the door, you know you're not supposed to leave the door lock

Something was thrown at the door making the boys jump, and Joe said.

Joe: this girl thinks I'm playing with her
Nick: Get the spare keys Joe, *push Joe away* Kristy opens the door or we are taking the hinges off and you will no longer have privacy, do you want that?

*no answer*

Nick: Kristy, I'm not playing with you
*no answer*
Nick: Joe!
Joe: *comes out* got them
Nick: Kristy, you have until the count of 3 to open the door or we are coming in 1...2... 3...
Joe: what the... she never let us get to 3
Nick: alright, we are coming in

Nick opens the door to Kristy's bedroom, and Kristy went to run out the window to the fire escape, but Nick got to her on time and whoop her with the belt 10 times.

Nick puts her on the bed when he is done.

Nick: where do you think you're going?
Kristy: *wince and mumbles* no where
Joe: what has gotten into you Kristy?
Kristy: *roll eyes* like you care
Nick: *holds up the belt* wanna go for round 2?
Kristy: *shakes head* no sir
Nick: drop the attitude and answer your brother

Kristy puts Nick hand down where the belt was pointing at her and looks at Joe.

Kristy: I was out with some friends
Joe: doing what *smells something* have you been smoking?
Kristy: *sniffs herself* n-no...
Joe: Then what were you doing with your friends?
Nick: and don't lie
Kristy: nothing happened
Nick: open your mouth Kristy
Kristy: why?
Nick: we want to make sure you haven't been smoking
Kristy: I haven't!
Nick: if you got nothing to hide then open your mouth
Kristy: What words aren't enough anymore?
Nick/Joe: no

Kristy sighs and opens her mouth and Nick checks her breath.

Nick: she's clean
Kristy: I told you
Joe: Then why do I smell smoke?
Kristy: *shrugs* I don't know

Joe went to her laundry basket and picked up her uniform.

Joe: that's why, her uniform reek of smoke
Nick: Kristy, have you been hanging around friends that smoke?
Kristy: *sighs* some girls were smoking in the girls bathroom today, and I walked in on them, they offered me, but I declined
Joe: Who are these girls Kristy? I'm gonna report them to the headmaster
Kristy: it's fine, it's already been dealt with. The headmaster walk in on them and sent us down to the office
Nick: why would they send you down?
Kristy: because I was a witness, none of the girls spoke up, and the headmaster told me to say something
Joe: *sighs* thank you for being honest with us
Kristy: I just hope those girls don't think I'm a bad person
Nick: don't worry Kristy, you did the right thing, we are proud of you
Joe: why did you try to hide it from us if you were innocent?
Kristy: because I was late coming home
Nick: *sighs* and I hit you with the belt for it
Kristy: it's fine, I deserve it for the way I was talking to you guys
Joe: Honey, if something ever bothers you in school, we want you to tell us okay? We won't get mad
Kristy: okay, can we not talk about this anymore. I have to get some homework done
Joe: alright, you're such a good girl Kristy *kiss her forehead*
Kristy: *sighs and mumbles* yeah I'm the best
Nick: proud of you kid *ruffles hair*

Nick and Joe walk out and Kristy sighs and gets on her laptop.

Joe: well that went better than I expected
Nick: *puts belt back on* yeah
Joe: I thought something bad happened, but it turned out to be better than expected
Nick: But why would she not tell us?
Joe: you think those girls are picking on her at school?
Nick: wouldn't we know if someone been bothering her
Joe: we need to keep a close eye out on Kristy to see if anybody is harassing her in school
Nick: yeah, we don't condom bullying at Woodlands Academy
Joe: especially if it involves my little sister
Nick: but wouldn't she come talk to us if someone was harassing her
Joe: Nick when we went to Woodland Academy, did I ever go to my dad if someone was bothering me?
Nick: you were the most popular guy in school, everyone wanted to be you
Joe: Yeah, you right. But most people didn't expect me to teach after I got my masters
Nick: yeah you were voted most likely to drop out *laughs*
Joe: *gives him look* that's not funny
Nick: *stops* sorry
Mads: Joeeeeee! We need you
Riley: there's a spider in our room!
Joe: you want to handle that
Nick: no sir, I don't deal with spiders, see ya, plus the girls called you since you their brother *leaves*

Joe sighs and says.

Joe: I'm coming girls!

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