Chapter 25: Breaking Grounding

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In case you forget, it's Kristy and Riley who are grounded not Madison.

Chapter 25:

Now it's time for Kristy.

Kristy's POV
My grounding was spent on babysitting the twins, doing chores around the house. I wasn't allowed to hang out with my friends after school. So... I decided to invite the girls here instead. I mean they didn't say I couldn't invite them over...
End of  POV

Stacey: Kristy are sure the boys are okay with us being over while your grounded
Kristy: of course they're, I mean they won't know because they're not home right now
Dawn: seriously Kristy, if Claudia isn't allowed to have friends over, what makes you think you're
Kristy: look it's fine, the girls are in their rooms doing their school work, so they won't bother me, and Joe and Nick are at a meeting
Mary-Anne: okay... So, what do you want to do?
Kristy: let's go bake some cookies for the twins

The girls went into the kitchen that was divided by the living room. The wall had like an open window and door. So basically they can see who enters the living room through the kitchen.

The girls sat on the island of the table while Kristy got out the baking stuff to cook the cookies.

Joe and Nick were downstairs getting their mail in the mailroom.

Joe: well... that meeting was something
Nick: The Dean could have given us the heads up about Kristy. We didn't know she's done all those things
Joe: looks like we are going to have a chat with her about it
Nick: what exactly are we going to do this time, she's already grounded, we can't ground her again
Joe: Look, this isn't the first time Kristy snuck off campus without permission. Obviously she is hiding something from us or she would have asked us for permission

Joe said as they grabbed their mail and headed out only to find Kristy saying goodbye to her friends.

Joe/Nick: Kristy?!

Kristy turned her head to find Joe and Nick standing near the mailroom.

Kristy: uh-oh

Joe and Nick entered the loft apartment with Kristy and then found one of the twins eating cookies while watching tv.

Joe: Why were your friends here Kristy? Do you not know what grounded means?!
Nick: why weren't you up here with the twins?
Kristy: I was only gone for a second, the twins can look after themselves for a few minutes can't they
Joe: no they can't they're 10! That's why we left you as a babysitter for a reason!
Nick: what if something happened to your sisters when you were downstairs huh?
Kristy: I was only downstairs for a couple of seconds, what's the big deal!
Nick: anything can happen in a second Kristy, not only that we would be responsible if anything happened to you and the girls, you and the girls would be separated. Do you really want that?
Kristy: no sir
Joe: Kristy, your action has consequences, not only could it put your life at risk, but your sisters as well. And you need to put your sisters first before anything else. If it wasn't for me, you guys would either be separated right now or with the Turner's. Like I said, your choice affects the people around you. Do I make myself clear?
Kristy: yes sir
Joe: Riley, what are you doing watching television?
Riley: Kristy said I could
Joe: Well I told you, you couldn't. Come on, upstairs go find something else to do

Riley groan and turned off the tv and heads upstairs

Joe: also what is this about you sneaking off campus without permission
Kristy: how did you-
Nick: that was the meeting with the Dean about
Kristy: oh... well... uh
Joe: Well young lady? We're waiting
Kristy: that was from when Claudia was staying over remember I went to go home to check on her
Nick: no he said that happened before that, Kristy you know the school has cameras everywhere right? And the school checks every week to see who's been leaving the school or coming in
Kristy: I didn't know
Joe: I asked you again young lady, where have you been going off too?
Kristy: okay... I went to the graveyard
Joe: for what? Oh...
Kristy: yeah... I'm sorry I didn't tell you or Nick.
Joe: you never been to their grave site before, what made you want to go now?
Kristy: I've been having dreams about mom and dad coming back to life. So I figured it was a signed to meet them (a/n: reference from me when my dad died, my sister and I been having the same dreams of our dad coming back from the dead) and the only way to do it without you and Nick knowing was going during lunch
Nick: Kristy, why didn't you say anything?
Kristy: because I didn't want to worry you guys
Joe: Kristy if something is bothering you, you can come to us and we will work it out as a family
Kristy: you won't get mad?
Joe: I may get mad a little bit but I will understand
Kristy: thanks Joe *hugs him*
Joe: you're welcome *hugs her back, before letting go* now punishment for having friends over and leaving the apartment with your sisters alone
Kristy: *groans* Nick...
Nick: you broke the grounding rule, you have to deal with the consequences

Kristy sighs and slouches down on the couch in between Joe and Nick who were sitting on the opposite side of her.

Nick left Joe and Kristy alone to check on the twins as Joe got up and unbuckled his belt and pointed toward his office.

Joe: come on let's go
Kristy: please Joe, reconsider
Joe: That wouldn't be fair to Riley and Mads if I left you off the hook for this, now would it?

Kristy sighs and removes the pillow she was holding and slowly walks towards Joe's office. When they walked in, Joe pulled a chair in the middle of the room and pointed at it, Kristy said.

Kristy: please can we do it over your lap
Joe: Kristy... who's in charge?
Kristy: *frowns* you're sir...
Joe: exactly, so it's my decision on how I choose your punishment and I picked the chair

Kristy sighs and bent over the chair. Joe brought his hand back with the one holding the belt and landed across Kristy's butt over her jeans.

Kristy winced when the first smack with the belt came down, she gasped when 3 more fell down. Before biting her lip to keep her from gasping. Which didn't end well for her when more fierce strikes came down on her butt.

When they reached 20 she was told to pull down her jeans for the last 10. She was getting 10 with the belt for each major rule she broke.

Joe: before we wrap this up, tell me why you're in this position
Kristy: uh... I had friends over when I was suppose to be grounded
Joe: 1, keep going
Kristy: I left the apartment
Joe: and what's the biggest rule you broke
Kristy: I left the twins alone unsupervised
Joe: exactly, Kristy they're 10 years old, they need to be watched constantly. Anybody could have broken into the apartment. I don't care if you were just downstairs, anything could have happened
Kristy: but nothing did
Joe: What if something did happen, you know who would be responsible, me. If I'm responsible you three would have been taken away from me.
Kristy: I didn't think of that
Joe: you three are my priorities right now. I had to give up the thing I love doing because I didn't want to lose my sisters. If I can give up my music, you can give up hanging out with your friends while babysitting.
Kristy: do you always regret giving up music for us?
Joe: no, because you three are the most important thing to me in the world right now, and if I was asked to choose again, I would do it in a heartbeat
Kristy: thanks
Joe: come on let's wrap this up and unbutton your jeans

Kristy sighs and gets up and unbutton her jeans before kneeling back on the chair and arching her butt out as Joe brings down the last 10 on her underwear.

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