Chapter 1: "Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child"

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Chapter 1:

Kristy's POV
Growing up I always had someone to be there and look after me. Someone who never disappoint me and is always there when I need them. That changed when my big brother moved out of the house to be in a band. It's been a couple of years since we saw him, he comes from time to time to say hello and gives us gifts and spends time with us but it hasn't been the same as him actually being home with us. He would only come home on holidays and birthdays or when we have a celebration.

Then a tragedy happened that affected the whole family. One day mom and dad were with us, the next moment they were gone just like that. This is why you always cherish the little moments you have with your parents before they're gone.

It's now been 3 years since the accident, 3 years since Joe moved back home. Honestly, now that Joe is home our house doesn't feel whole anymore without them. Joe has been an amazing brother stepping in and helping raise my sisters and I, but sometimes I feel bad that we are holding him back keeping him trapped here. I mean he did leave us, how do we know he isn't gonna do it again?

Someone knocked on my bedroom window and it was my best friend Claudia.

Claudia: ready to go to school?
Kristy: yeah in a minute, what did you do to your uniform?
Claudia: You like it?
Kristy: you know you're not allowed to do anything with your uniform
Claudia: I just added a little spark to it, after all I am a artist
Kristy: you're really dreading for the belt aren't you?
Claudia: belt?
Kristy: right...  like you're acting surprised.  You're not new to the school Claudia. You know the rules of conduct.

My school believes in corporal punishment. According to the Bible, discipline is a responsibility given to parents and to those in authority by the Lord. Scripture, such as Proverbs 22:6 and Proverbs 23:13-14, attest to this. "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov. 22:6 KJV "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death." Prov. 23:13-14 NIV. Some people don't believe spanking works anymore but others do. In fact my family grew up with spanking and all of us are turning out fine I guess...

Claudia: I will take any belting if I have too, it sucks I can't express what I want to wear
Kristy: then your fathers should have put you in a public school
Claudia: *scoff* you don't think I tried telling my dads that? They said that grades are very important for me right now, this is the year colleges starts looking and I cannot disappoint them right now
Kristy: accept you're
Claudia: I cannot help that I'm different
Kristy: *smiles* your good different and I wanna be just like you
Claudia: really?
Kristy: all my life my family is known as the perfect daughters who never did wrong in their father's eyes. Why can't I be more like you?
Claudia: cause you're not me Kristy, you're better than me. You don't want to be me
Kristy: why not?
Claudia: because I'm broken
Kristy: you're not broken, because I'm always here to put the broken pieces back together
Claudia: *puts arm around her* I know you will  *smirk*
Kristy: what?
Claudia: let's ditch school
Kristy: yeah let's not
Claudia: You said you want to be like me right? Let's ditch
Kristy: I do not want my first demerit. I never get demerits, I have always been the good one. Plus it's not smart for me to ditch since we have my brother first block
Claudia: I'm always late first block
Kristy: and you always get your ass sent to his office
Claudia: *puts hands on her heart* I just never learn
Kristy: *roll eyes* come on, we're gonna be late

Claudia and I headed out of my house and went to go catch the public bus.

With Claudia and Kristy on the public bus.

Claudia and Kristy were riding the bus to school and Claudia saw Kristy putting lip gloss on. She never wears makeup, she always prefers her natural beauty.

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