Chapter 5: Jonas House of Rules

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Chapter 5: Jonas House of Rules

Nick's POV
My relationship with the girls have always been different than Joe's because I was always there for them when Joe was on the road a lot. I was like their second older brother to them. They always trust me with their issues and I trust them. There's some stuff they told me about that they're afraid to talk to Joe about because he wouldn't understand, which is why the girls trust me more than they trust Joe. This is why I stepped up to help Joe out because I knew he couldn't raise three girls on his own especially when he rarely knows them. I'm glad Joe is back home and in the girls lives more, they need him and he could really use them.

Today we have a family meeting about the rules and boundaries in the house, because of the twins behavior the other day.

Joe: I don't know what is going on between the three of you girls, but you three have never ever acted up like this before in my life of knowing you. You three have always been the perfect girls in dad's eyes who never did anything wrong, but when it comes to me, you guys refuse to listen to rules? That's not like you girls at all. Look, I know I'm not dad, and I'm not trying to be, but I set up rules for you girls for a reason. I'm not a dictator, I'm your guardian/brother, and I deserve the same respect you give dad. Now rules are gonna change around here, since you girls think that my rules are unfair and how I treat you guys better than the other, that's not the case. Kristy is older than you girls and doesn't need that many rules on her like you girls do
Mads: *mumbles* sound like a dictator to me

Mads mumble a little loud for us to hear and I nudge her.

Joe: would you like to share something with us Madison?

Mads: no...
Joe: I didn't think so

Joe used his pointer and points over the rules and charts for chores and such that Joe and I had set up for the girls last night.

Joe: Nick and I made this last night to remind you girls of the rules in the house, since you girls can't seem to remember them.

The House Rules

1. Listen to & Respect Your Elders

- Without back-talk, whining or complaining, or throwing a fit

-If you would like privileges, you will need to fulfill your responsibilities

Joe: I don't know how many times we have to go over this rule, but because this happened yesterday, this needs to be addressed to you girls again. You three are under my care, but doesn't mean you can disrespect anybody else who I put you with while Nick and I are busy doing other things. You treat everyone we put you with, with respect, understand?
Girls: yes sir

2. Respect Family & Friends
-Keep our hands on our own bodies
-No kicking
-Be polite
-Use nice and kind words

Joe: I don't think you girls have ever fought before, just reminder we do not tolerate violence or play fighting in this house. Also respect each other's feelings. Treat everyone the way you wish to be treated. I know you girls do this a lot with each other, just be mindful about how you talk with others.

3. Tell The Truth
-Being honest is always your best option..
-Don't play us against each other.
-If your plans have changed, you need to tell

Joe: look I understand you girls are afraid to come to me with your problems, don't be afraid to talk to me or Nick. We won't get mad, but don't get mad at us when we know you deserve the punishment.

4. Take Care of yourself & your body
-Make healthy food choices
-Brush your teeth
-Keep yourself clean
-Get dressed and ready for school
-Go to bed on time, includes no phones at bedtime or at the dinner table

Joe: twins in bed by 8:30, Kristy in bed by 10 on school nights. Curfew will change if you prove to Nick and I that you can be trusted.

5. Keep A Safe & Clean Home
-Clean up after eating
-Put your things away
-Puts dirty clothes in the hamper (and have them ready for laundry day)
-No climbing, jumping or running inside the house

Joe: each of you have a chores chart now, and we even line up your responsibility to where you girls have to be, so we don't lose track

6. Take care of our things & respect each other
-Be grateful for what you have
-Ask permission to use something that doesn't belong to you
-Put your things away

Joe: I don't know how many times we have to have this argument with each other
Kristy: then maybe the twins should be banned from my room
Mads: if we are banned then we wouldn't know about your crush Noah and how you want to kiss him
Riley: *makes kissing noise*
Kristy: you two are dead!

I pushed Kristy off of the twins and said.

Nick: this is exactly what we mean about keeping our hands to ourselves
Joe: and being respectful to each other
Nick: don't let it happened again or all of your butts will be sore
Girls: yes sir
Joe: When we disobey or forget any of the house rules, we accept the discipline and instruction. Any questions?
Mads: *raise hand*
Joe: yes Madison
Mads: will we get in trouble if we make these mistakes?
Joe: no you will not. You will only get in trouble if you refuse to listen and have been told more than once to stop. We don't punish kids for making mistakes in this house. 
Mads: okay
Joe: alright meeting adjourned

The twins went off to their rooms, and Joe stopped Kristy.

Joe: Do we need to talk to you about boys?
Kristy: *roll eyes* sisters need to stay out of my room, and brother needs to mind their own business about who I date
Joe: you're my business
Kristy: *sighs heavily* he's just a crush, nothing more
Joe: nothing more? Are you sure?
Kristy: positive
Joe: will you let us know if it becomes "more than a crush"
Kristy: maybe...
Joe: is that a yes maybe or a no maybe
Kristy: you'll know when I'm ready to talk *walks away*
Joe: we are gonna have trouble with that one, but I told you this would work
Nick: their good girls, and they were raised in a good family
Joe: thanks Nick, for you know stepping up and helping out. I wouldn't know what to do if you were here. Like would I have been a bad brother or guardian
Nick: You're a good brother Joe, even if you weren't there for the girls most of their life. You're here now and they will appreciate that more as they get older.
Joe: thanks man

Joe and I hugged each other. I'm very proud of Joe and the person he's becoming. I hope this new Joe sticks around more often, it's good to have my best friend back.

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