Chapter 23: Switching Places

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Okay enough with Kristy's story line, let's focus on the twins. I will be going back and forth between each girl like I did with daddy's little girl.

The next couple of days, Riley and Mads came home from school and found Sophie.

Riley/Mads: Sophie!
Sophie: hey girls
Riley: Where's Joe and Nick?
Sophie: their at your school, parents teachers conference
Riley: uh-oh
Sophie: what's wrong?
Riley: I may be failing math
Mads: what? Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped
Riley: cause of what happened the last time we cheated
Mads: I don't mean cheating, I met help you, tutor you
Riley: I don't need you tutoring me in math
Mads: why not?
Riley: because I'm supposed to be the smart one
Sophie: Riley that's not true
Riley: well it's the truth, I got all the brains
Mads: well apparently not since your failing a class

Riley shoves Mads and Mads shoves back and the two tackled each other.

Sophie: hey enough! *pulls apart* what did the boys say about keeping your hands to yourself
Mads/Riley: to not too
Sophie: you two are both smart but in different ways. You two need to stop competing against each other. You two are sisters and you love each other. Do I make myself clear
Mads/Riley: yes Sophie
Sophie: Alright, do you two want snacks?

Mads and Riley nodded and headed to the kitchen with Sophie.

Joe and Nick came home and the girls ran to hug them.

Mads: you guys are home together!
Joe: we needed to talk to you girls about your conference we had with your teachers
Riley: uh-oh
Nick: Did Kristy come home yet?
Sophie: she said she's staying at the Kishi's for dinner she will be home after
Joe: Riley, remember that talked we had about math. Remember what I said?
Riley: uh... Not really doesn't ring a bell
Joe: let me remind you. I told you if your grades have not improved, you will be getting a tutor. Well congratulations, you start tomorrow after school
Riley: but Joey, I have dance after school
Mads: yeah and she cant let the team down
Joe: sorry girls, but Riley just been bench. Looks like you're going to have to find another 5th member for your squad. Now come on upstairs and hit the books. Sister Dominic is giving you a makeup test on Friday

Riley sighs frustrated as she heads upstairs.

Mads: what did Sister Dominic say about me Joe?
Joe: well...we really didn't talk about you, this was mostly about Riley
Mads: oh sure, the problem child gets all the attention *heads upstairs*

The Next Day.

Riley was waiting on her tutor when Joe and Nick came in.

Joe: hey Riles, Sophie will be here to watch you girls, while Nick and I are going out
Riley: okay
Joe: where's your sisters?
Riley: I don't know what they do with their life when I'm not with them
Joe: just tell them we're leaving
Riley: I don't know about this tutor guy you two set me up with. It's his first day, and he's 10 minutes late. I say we dump him

Both Nick and Joe checked their watches and looked at each other and Joe changed the clock that was in the room.

Joe: next time sweetheart, if you're going to change the clock in the house. Change everyone's time.
Nick: *hits him* dude don't tell her that
Joe: hey not my fault, your looking at the king of pranks
Nick: where do you think she learns it from?
Joe: yeah your right

Mads and Kristy came down the stairs.

Kristy: Joe we're heading out
Riley: take me with you
Kristy: sorry sis, but no matter what you say we promise Joe to not listen *to Joe put paws out* money going to the mall with the girls

Joe shakes his head and takes out money from his wallet and hands it to her.

Joe: what about you short stuff, want Nick and I dropped you off at a friends
Mads: yeah sure
Riley: must be wonderful

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