Tears Don't Fall Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You the devils?" He asks.

"That's right," Rias responds. "I'm Rias and this is Y/N. What can we help you with today?"

He starts to shake nervously. I'm a little on edge but I let it be. "It's like this. I've got a package to pick up, kind of a handing off of things. I don't trust the guys I'm getting it from." He points at me. "You seem like you know how to handle yourself, but I'm not sure about you little lady."

"Maybe you're right. If that's the case I'll be taking your payment now and the two of you can go." He looks scared after that and I get a slight grin on my face.

"You drive a hard bargain missy," he says. "I guess I gotta trust you. Let's get going, we have to walk so it will be a ways."

"Before we go," I speak up, "mind telling us your name pal?"

"Just call me T," he answers. "In my business we don't give real names. Fortunately I don't think we'll have to worry about that if everything goes smooth." The three of us take off and start walking down some side streets of Kuoh.

"So what's this package got in it that has you worried T," Rias asks making small talk.

"It's complicated. I can't rightfully tell you until we have it." I take it that's why there are two of us. I'm assuming drugs so I get my guard up. After a few minutes the three of us enter an alleyway. "They should be here soon," T says.

After about ten minutes a car pulls up, and out of it comes three guys. Two of them put me on edge even more, like I recognize them from somewhere. As they get closer I understand my thoughts. Those two are the guys who attacked me. The odd man out steps up.

"Alright, let's get this over with. The wifey wants me home for dinner as quick as possible." Him and T step closer and start to exchange what they have. I keep my eyes on the two behind him and they look at me. I think they recognize me but I try to brush it off. T and the guy he's talking to finish up and walk away from each other. Once they're a few steps away from each other the three of them pull out guns.

"T," I yell, "get out of here." I look to Rias and signal her to go with him. The two of them take off and I jump in between everyone in case they start firing.

"I knew you looked familiar," one of the men says. "You're that crazy motherfucker I shot. How the hell are you okay?" I ready myself for a fight.

"Maybe I'm just lucky," I answer. They prepare to shoot but I jump towards them. One of them shoots but I'm able to track it and dodge it. I look at the end of the alleyway and see T and Rias are gone. That just means I gotta get going. I jump off of a nearby wall and put my foot up towards them. They all shoot and I ready myself to take the hits. Unlike last time I cover myself with my power and I don't feel any pain.

"What the fuck is this guy?!"

I reach the trio and my foot hits one of them in the jaw sending him dropping like a sack of bricks. The other two start to shake as I ready a fireball in my hand. "If you care about your lives I would leave now." I usually try not to use my power against other humans, but I don't really have a choice. They shoot more but I dodge them with ease, moving fluidly like I'm dancing around the bullets. I dash towards them still holding the fireball and knock the guns out of their hands.

"Not so tough now huh? You guys caught me on a bad day the first time. You two are going to leave, or it's over for all three of you." They try to grab their guns but I throw the flames over them, burning them.

"Fuck this, I'm outta here." They take off, leaving the one who talked to T by himself. I walk over to him and kick him.

"Get up," I tell him. He starts to rise and spits blood at me. I pin him against the wall and ready another fireball, holding it close to him. "So you guys were going to kill him and get your stuff back is that correct?" He shakes in fear so I decide to drop him. He takes off and I head back down the alleyway and towards T's house. Once I arrive I get through the door, not spotting Rias.

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