Lunch Dates and Butterflies

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A kiss. It could be something as simple as a soft touch to something that could change your perception on your life, soul and your mind.

“I kissed someone,” I giggle like a small child. I am lying on my back and looking intently at the ceiling. It’s such a pretty white, why haven’t I noticed it before? It’s like my entire life has been straightened out for me after that kiss. All the dull, frayed edges, suddenly seem brighter and much more put together.

I roll onto the side of my bed and look at today’s schedule. I had to go check out the wedding site; I am looking forward to it.

I wake up and glide towards my bathroom. After I freshen up and put on a new cast for my sprain I change into jeans and a shirt. I tie my hair in a messy bun and walk out of my room with my laptop and a book to note down all of the changes to be made to the hall.

“Good morning, Alia.” I hear Zain call out to me as I pass him in the hallway.

“Hey, isn’t it a perfect morning, sunny and cheerful, with the birds singing and flowers blooming.” I say, smiling like I am high.

“It’s raining, Al, sorry to dishearten you but it’s thundering and everything.” He says, trying to contain his much awaiting smirk.

“I think it’s a wonderful day.” I say nodding gravely, then smiling again, and almost skipping up the stairs.

I meet Will on the way who is also much surprised by my cheerful mood.

“Where are you going?” He asks me skeptically.

“I am on my way to check out the wedding site, oh, what a wonderful day it is!” I squeal in excitement and walk into the kitchen.

I grab a bottle of orange juice and pour myself a glass. The day has been going so well so far.

“Hey Al, are you going to check out the site?” I hear Arjun ask me. I nod giddily and continue drinking my juice.

He looks at me confusedly.

“I am guessing you are in a good mood.” He says, nervously eating a bite of his toast.

“Yeah, the best I have been in for a few days” I say, finishing my juice and washing my glass, might I add, happily.

I don’t know what has happened to me.

“Um…okay, and what is the reason behind this?” He asks, eating his toast like everything was normal. Eating like the world hadn’t been turned upside down and certain landslide hadn’t taken place right on my heart. Eating like my heart beating a million times a minute is completely normal, like pounding as expeditious as a race car is customary.

“I don’t even know.” I say ruffling his hair, giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out.

I find Perrie waiting for me by the staircase, she had been living in the guestroom on the second floor and we had decided to meet by the entrance today morning.

“I can feel your happiness from a mile away.” She says mockingly, but I don’t bother feeling hurt.

“That was my intention.” I say smiling at her, to which she raises her eyebrows.

“Wow, did you hit your head against the wall? It’s Monday morning; did you have an overdose of caffeine?” She asks, shouldering her bag and walking towards my car, yes, I drive.

“I think,” I mumble, opening my car and getting in.

The radio automatically starts playing and it’s Drunk In Love by Beyonce.

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