Star gazing and picking up Perrie

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"It's a bit cold up here." I say shivering a little bit in order to heat myself up. The month of October had just started but it was a chilly night.

"Deal with it." Harry says shrugging. Harry's open roof car wasn't helping at all and the fact that the wind was blowing in the same direction as we were going made it worse. My hair whipped around my face, hitting my eye several times in the process.

"You could be a gentleman and offer your sweater." I suggest.

"And freeze to death myself?" He asks questioning me.

"Whatever." I say. I had completely forgotten I was with an ass who thought he was the most important person in the world, he couldn't be a gentleman.

"It's not like I didn't warn you of the cold."He says stopping the car. I think we reached.

"Gosh you could have just asked me to carry a sweater." I mumble.

"Let's not ruin the night." He says opening his car door.

"Okay, fine." I say imitating his actions.
We both stepped out on to the rocky surface.
The night was a cold one and you could see the HOLLYWOOD sign a little above us. But the worst part was that no stars were visible at all.

"Harry, I don't mean to burst your bubble of star gazing, but you can't see any stars." I say leaning against the hood of the car.

He straightens himself up as he had been looking for the food he had brought in the backseat.

"Shut up, I a trying to be nice here." He says defensively.

I raise my hands in defeat and continue to stare at the black night sky.

"Okay, breakfast is ready." He says coming up to me with two glasses of wine and a platter of fruits, which upon looking closely at, I found out were those chewy fruits.

"These aren't even real fruits." I say picking one of the strawberries and putting it in my mouth.

"It was a spontaneous decision, don't just see the bad things, all right?" He says as he takes a sip of the wine.

"Where did you find these right now anyway?" I ask curiously.

"I like them a lot so mum always keeps some of them in the pantry. That's why I bought some twix as well." He says casually.

"You have Twix in there?" I ask shocked beyond my wits, I loved Twix.

"Yeah, you want some?" He asks nicely.
I nod hysterically and he walks to the back of the car to get some of the Twix.

I took a sip of the wine and it tasted a lot like the apple juice Harry had given to me in India. But I drank it down anyway and before you knew it I was drunk.

"Harry, my love, where are you?" I heard Alia call out. Gosh, she was drunk. But I had given her only wine, nothing was added to it. Wait, did she drink mine. This girl really was trying hard to get on my nerves. I had poured myself vodka, for her it was diluted wine.

"Alia stop walking around you may-" I hear a thud before I can complete my sentence. "Fall." I mumble completing it.

I walk slowly towards the sound and I find a crumpled Alia, she was rubbing her knees, I was guessing that's where she was hurt.

"Harry, my prince, you have to stop getting me drunk. Just ask me before you put in vodka, it's not nice." She says slurring her words. What had gotten into her?

"You drank my vodka, your wine was diluted, your fault not mine." I say lifting up her night dress pants to look at her knees.

"Oh you drink vodka?" She asks, surprised.

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