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Chapter 6

My job had been shifted from Tuesday to Wednesday for this week so I woke up early the next morning in the excitement of finally being able to go to the one place I didn't have to worry about myself.

I dress up, nice than usual, and walk out for breakfast. Caspar had already laid out my usual cereal and fruits out for me and I mentally made a note to thank him. He was more like a friend than a butler; truly I didn't know what I would do without him. I still sneak him some chocolate for his children. But I have a feeling that he always eats them.

I was reading the newspaper and was on this really intriguing article about frosting when I was interrupted by no other Harry.

I had no clue what he was doing here.

So I asked him.

"Didn't you here , I have a plumbing problem in my apartment and it is going to take a week to sort it out. Plus I get to hang out with Zain, he is so funny." He states, eating a piece of apple from my fruit bowl.

I swat his hand and give him a death glare.

"Yeah, Harry's not all that bad, plus we've known each other for 4 years now." Zain says entering the kitchen and draping his hand casually around Harry.

"How do you know each other?" I ask.

"Um...Common friends I guess." Harry says.

"Whatever." I state.

"Hey, could you give me a ride to the park?" Will asks entering the kitchen.

"Yeah, I don't mind." I say while finishing my cereal.

"Thanks." He says grabbing a strawberry from my fruit bowl.

Honestly, when will people realize that it is not good to stick their hands in other people's food?

"You could ask Casper for fruit, you know?" I ask skeptically.

"Yes, but why waste fruit when you can share?" He asks, raising his brow to prove a stupid point.

I shrug of his irrational comment and pick up my belongings. Today was going to be a long day at work and I wanted nothing to get in my way. So I dispose the bad vibes and attract the good ones.

(Like it worked, but it was worth a try. I was like the amplifier for bad vibes.)


I came home from work feeling like a total wreck. I had told my manager that I had found her a client, my sister, who wanted a high profile wedding.

Obviously she was happy, but it took a lot of convincing to put me in charge of this wedding.

I had started working on Jas and Nick's wedding by booking dates with all of the people needed for this particular wedding to take place.

Then I had called Jas and asked her to come up to the office, which again needed a lot of persuading. We selected on a theme, classic with a modern twist.

And then I was finally let off. By the time I reached home all I wanted to do was fall asleep while listening to one of my favourite songs.

So, I again plugged in my headphones and got into my bed, after changing from my work.

I tossed and turned for a bit and then finally gave up. I wasn't that tired to actually fall asleep at 5 in the evening so instead I took out my laptop and pretended to work for a bit but then 4 minutes later I was scrolling through twitter and tumblr.

After 25 minutes of that I decided to go on wattpad.

I read a couple of random stories and then suddenly I was inspired to write a fan fiction of my own.

My Sister's Big Fat WeddingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ