Agreeing to suicide part II

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I stood cautiously between two racks and looked on as Alia talked to this mystery boy.

"Alia?" The boy asks, while looking at her with a stunned expression, most people wouldn't pin me down Alia as the kind of person who went to shopping malls.

"Hey." She says dumbly. I mentally smack her head.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, getting up from the ground and dusting his pants.

She shows him the book in my hand, honestly, what else would she be doing in Barnes and Nobles? I had to give it to her, this boy looked like a good piece of work.

"Right, obviously." He says, crossing his hands on his chest.

"Are you hurt?" She asks him, he had just landed face first on the ground.

"O-yeah, I have fallen down plenty of times before." He says smiling.

"Um...okay." She says awkwardly and I stifle a laugh.

He realizes his stupid sentence and instantly turns into a deeper shade of red out of utter embarrassment.

"I mean... I mean that I am fine because I didn't really get hurt." He says shyly.

"Okay, so what brings you here?" She asks, trying to find a way to reduce his embarrassment.

He smiles animatedly as if he was waiting to be asked that question.

He picks up a book from the pile and shows it to her. It was the new book in the Percy Jackson series.

"You like Percy Jackson?" She asks.

"Yeah, actually, I have been reading them for the longest time ever." He says bashfully.

"I have never tried them, do you reckon I should?" She asks, I mean even I had tried Percy Jackson, it wasn't one of my favorite things but it wasn't bad either.

"Well, if you are into the Greek Mythology and stuff, I think you should." He says.

She takes the book from his hand and reads the summary behind, I had seen this boy around, wasn't he in University till two years ago, wasn't he dating Jasmine back then?

They talk a bit more about books but I instantly tune of and start thinking about all of these random things.

If Jas did date this boy, who I now remember as Louis, then what was Al doing with him? Maybe they liked each other, maybe it was a coincidence that they happened to be in the same shop at the same time, but all of this was a big fat 'maybe'. There was nothing solid here at all.

Suddenly I pick up on the conversation again.

"I really love her." Louis says, his head was hug low now and Alia was glaring at him.

"She is getting married and whether you like it or not she is very happy with that guy." She says diffidently.

"No she isn't." He says, I knew he was holding back his temper.

I knew Jas was getting married, but why was Louis objecting anyways, it wasn't like he would make her fall in love instantly. They had had a major fall out in their last year at Uni, and even though everyone liked their idea of being together, apparently Jas didn't.

Even I never understood why someone would let a perfect boy like Louis get away. There were rumors that Louis had cheated on Jas and was just paying the after price but I never believed one word of them because I knew Louis and he wasn't that kind of a guy anyways.

But sometimes you should just trust no one.

"So what if you love her, my parents are going to kill me if I do this, if I help you, if I even think about helping you." Alia says, sitting down and huffing.

"I know you Alia and you are the one person who can help me and Jas. We want to live happily and I know you can make it happen. She wants to be with me and I know you want that to happen too."Louis says sadly, I even almost felt like crying.

But what did Louis want help for anyways?

"You want me to help you run away with her, how do I make that happen?" Alia asks.

This was getting more attention-grabbing by the minute, run away? What for? Wasn't Jas happy with Nick and that cute brother of Nick's?

"Look, I need four months time, I'll be back, I'll have a home ready, a plane ticket all you have to do is help her get out of the premises unnoticed." Louis says.

My breath hitches in my throat, five months, but that's the amount of time left for the ...

"What about the wedding?" Alia asks, with a guilty expression.

"Look, I know Jas and she selected that church because of me, so don't take down the decorations till the next morning because we will get married where she wants, and she wants to get married there." He says, his cheeks turning red.

"What, that is preposterous." I exclaim out loud, before even processing.

"Taylor?"Alia asks, her eyebrows working upwards as her face shows confusion.

"That is stupid, you are not helping him." I say, I walk up to her, grab her wrist, shoot Louis a hard glare and walk away. I feel a slight jerk and I feel my body turning around in response.
She would get disowned by her parents and I would not like that happening to her. She has already gone through too much.
"What?" I ask, irritation soaking my voice.

" How much of the conversation did you hear?" She asks, her cheeks tinted with pink, showing the early signs of blushing.

"All of it, and enough of it to know that that man is mental, and you are not helping him." I say, I turn around and begin walking expecting her to follow, you know, because that's how its always been.

"I want to help him, I don't want to arrange a marriage that is going to end up in divorce." She says, slow enough for me to catch on.

"ARE.YOU.MAD?" I ask stressing on each word.

"No but I know I am right this time, you may think you know Nick, but really, I know you don't. Trust me on this, he won't keep her happy half as much as Louis could." She says, her eyes speaking the same sentences that her mouth had just said.

When I look towards Louis, a look of hope covers his face. I seem to think for a moment that he is genuine and then I realize that the world is a storehouse of fake people. If they are too real they are probably fake.

"If you want to go you can, but I am helping him." Alia says bluntly.

"Really?" Louis asks.

"Yeah." She responds.

"Okay, I need four months from now to collect whatever I need, and then I can come to, you know, run away. How long do we have till the wedding?" He asks, smiling so much I could see the red of his gum.

"Four months." Alia says softly, almost a whisper. At Alia's words Louis' face pales and he instantly seems to be short of breath.

"We have to help her run away from the wedding?" I ask.

"We?" Alia mouths.

"I wouldn't leave you alone in this even if you wanted to do something stupidly crazy." I suggest, I mean that's what friends are for right, sticking by your side like permanent glue.

"How are we going to do it?" Louis asks, apparently suddenly realising the weight of the situation.

"Let's call it 'operation wedding.' " I suggest dumbly.

"We asked for a plan not a name." Louis remarks with a taunt. I scowl back at him.

"Let's just go talk to Jas, she's back at home." Alia says. Even though she is normally the dumb one, today her suggestion is probably the best one. So we decide to go along with it.


I recently lost a bet against my best friend, so I will be posting regularly for five days, and if that works out maybe i'll continue doing that up to 4th November. Get this chapter minimum 5 votes if you can!!

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