Wedding Dresses And Hoodies

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"I don't know what I am going to do without you for two whole weeks." I murmur as I push Perrie's favorite sweater into her suitcase. 14 Days, half a month, whatever am I going to do without her always being there.

"Maybe you could start working on Harry's wedding details," She suggests with a smile, but backs off when she sees my annoyed expression," Or not..." She zips up her red suitcase.

"Honestly, you need to start. If you like it or not we need to make this happen." She says with a look of utmost determination.

"Okay, but have your parents told you why they need you back?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe as she walks towards Zain's apartment door. Zain was going to drop Perrie to the airport, boyfriend troubles.

"No, they said they didn't want me to fret over the flight to Florida." She says shrugging. Zain comes out on the first knock and I faintly suspect he was waiting right there.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" I ask her, again.

"Nope, you chill out kiddo, I'll be back soon to bug the living daylights out of you." She says hugging me. I have never been the biggest fan of hugging but Perrie's hugs were the warmest and the most genuine hugs I have ever experienced.

"Bye." I whisper as I hug her tightly.

Zain pats my back and I let go. She was getting late and I needed to start planning, like she said. Everything she says is golden.

"I'll finish up all the planning before you come back." I say smirking, trying to make this situation lighter.

"Dude, that's why she's leaving," Zain says casually. Perrie smacks him and they walk into the elevator.

After she has left, it all hits me harder and she isn't even there to comfort me.


I skipped dinner. I didn't have the appetite to digest the pizzas Liam had ordered, it was Friday Night Pizza. I had been working for six hours straight. All the boys had wandered away to the bar nearby. Jas wasn't feeling well so she hadn't shown up for dinner as well, according to the eight messages she sent me from her bed. She got pretty bored when she was sick.

I couldn't find anything to go with Maya's theme. I made myself believe that she had set such high demands on purpose, that she hates me, but I knew otherwise.

"Ah!" I scream in frustration and fall back in my chair. I can't handle this without Perrie. She would always give much needed inputs and I was missing her.

I sound weak but I just wanted everything to go right. The last time Harry and I were involved in planning didn't go as planned. I wanted his wedding to be perfect. If something went wrong Maya would think I did it on purpose.

Just as I was scrolling through the meager possibilities I found a beautiful dress. I saved the picture and almost sent it to Maya but backtracked when I started thinking if she would be weird about it. I am not that close to send it to her, but the dress was just right. With simple cuts and net in all the right places, it looked like the dress an angel would wear.

I rub my eyes and leave my computer and walk towards my cupboard. I needed to change out of my black jeans. I open my cupboard and like always find half of it occupied by Jas' wedding dress. It really bothered me and brought me immense discomfort but she had told me how it reminded her of Nick, so I had obliged to keep it in my cupboard.

Before I knew what I was doing I put the dress on and I look at myself in the mirror.

My hair in a bun makes me look like a runaway bride, a wild untamed bride. I feel the tears before I feel the hurt settling into my bones. I could have gotten married to Harry; we had a future, a solid gold one at that.

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