Spraypaints and rooms

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"I think I might have a place." Perrie says and they seem like the most beautiful words ever.
Our strong words had failed to make us understand the repercussions on what we had said. Mom and dad were pretty serious on the whole is moving out thing, and I doubt any of us would find a place in less than six hours.
"What? Where is it?" Zain asks agitated to his being. I don't blame so was I but I was just too tired to show it.
"In the building I live, there are a couple of flats still empty, coincidently right on my floor." She says, shrugging. Yes, making life changing decisions was something she took in her stride.

"Great, we will get the lease, and move in." Ar says excitedly.

"It's not that easy mate, you need at least a day for the lease to be finalised and you can't just walk in their like you own the place." Louis says, somewhat raining onto Arjun's parade.

"Ah great!" Will says, almost pulling at his hair.

"I could persuade the land lord." Perrie pipes in. She really was being our saviour today.
I sit back calmly and look at the blue empty wall of my room. I had just finished taking down my posters and finished listening to at least 12 songs in the process.
I remember walking into this room for the first time and knowing that this was going to be the best room I would ever have.
I remember Zain and I having a ketchup fight and spattering red sauce all over my walls.
I also remember being in a fist fight table with Arjun and knocking over my vanity. Of you look closely you can still see a slight bruise on it.
I stumble upon the memory of dressing Will up as a girl and making him do his famous cat walk along the length of my bed.
I remember it all, and now walking away from it, doesn't seem fine.
But amongst those memories lie the very fine threads of hurt and sorrow.
I remember my panic attack, the day my mom slapped me, the day my dad tore my The Fray poster and threw it in the bin, the day my mom broke my guitar by 'mistake'.
It all hums through the walls and I can feel it.
The wetness of my cheek feels foreign, like I haven't cried in a long time. Then I remember that I have cried, but every time I did Harry was there to make it all better. Somehow, now he isn't.
I throw in my clothes and zip up my bag. I heard a knock on my door, which on opening I realised was the moving and packing company guy. I let him in and let him do his work.
I sit down outside my room and look at Zain's White door. After a couple of minutes it swings open and Zain steps out with two suitcases in hand. One, undoubtedly holding his clothes, the other one with all of his spray paints.
"Ali, what are you doing here?" He asks, a bit surprised.

" I am done packing." I mumble.
He puts his bags to the side and comes and stands in front of me. I see his hand reach out, asking me to hold it and get up. I do.

"What happened?" I ask.
He just nods and asks me to follow him. He leads me to his room and for the first time in ages, I step into it.
It's changed completely.
For one, it doesn't stink and its actually clean and hygienic.
It smelled of strong deodorant and his walls were white, except that one wall right in from of his bed. It was covered with doodles using his spray paint.
I walked towards it and started looking at them closely. I was genuinely surprised and impressed by the details he had added successfully.
"They're amazing." I whisper.

"Alia, I know you still get panic attacks." He says suddenly. My hands stop short, near the wall as I am about to touch another doodle.

"What do you mean?" I ask defensively.

"It's not difficult to assess you. In fact I am impressed by how well you handle them." He replies, leaning against his four poster bed.

"Harry helped me." I say. Every time j said his name, the aching feeling grew but I had to get used to saying his name.

"I know, he told me."He says, smiling a small smile.
To this I turn around and face the wall and continue looking at his artwork.
"Alia, back in the church I wasn't feeling sorry for you,I understood you. Alisha cheated on me as well. Shit like that happens to good people. But Alia, no matter what that dickhead said or did, you didn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve you and I can blindly bet on this that he is the one missing out." He heaved a hug breath after he finishes speaking.
I have no words left to say him. I just hug him and cry into his shoulder.
"You're the second girl that came in here, Ali, but you're the one I know will always stay by my side. I love you." He says, hugging me tighter and trying to pick up the broken pieces of my heart.
(A/N: I know, it's the shortest most boring chapter yet.
I just have a lot going on right now which I really want to discuss but I just can't find the time.
So please dont stop reading if I disappointed you by this chapter.
I promise things will get better but I really need you'll right now.

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