Amelia and getting scolded

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-Will- (her youngest brother if you didn't know)

I woke up next morning to Zain's annoying knocking and his terrible singing. I am not kidding, he had been using new methods to wake me up, and trust me with that horrible singing he would wake up the entire neighbourhood.
"Zain, I am fucking awake,okay?" I scream from my bed. It wasn't true, I was still lying on my bed, shirtless.

"Don't make me come in there and literally drag you out of bed." He screams back.

How did he know I was still in bed anyways. 'Maybe because he knows you really well.' My conscience suggests.

"Whatever." I mumble to myself. I unwillingly sit up from comfortable bed and make myself look presentable.
"Fine, come in." I say after standing and waiting in the middle of my messy room.

"See I told you, you aren't ready, you have to come to breakfast, you know how particular mum is." Zain says, pointing at my bare chest.

"I was exercising." I say as an excuse.

"Exercising while sleeping?" He asks with an arched eyebrow.

"I was doing jumping jacks." I say, jumping and spreading my arms wide open.

"Yeah, that's why you aren't sweating and your hair is standing up from your head like you were just electrocuted." Zain says walking out of the door.

"I'll be up in five." I say before he closes the door completely.

"You should have a bath sometimes it helps." He suggests from the crack of the door.

"Helps whom?" I ask dumbly.

"That girl you like, she may smell you and run away because you smell like complete garbage." He says closing the door with a smash.

How did he know I liked someone? Ah, Amelia, what a nice way to start the morning. She was so pretty, and her body, gosh, I could look at it all day. But the best thing about her, according to me, were her fingers.
Oh please, everyone likes the girls eyes, I am not that mainstream.

Whenever she played with her hair her dark blue painted nails would wrap themselves around that one strand of brown wavy hair.
And whenever she wrote her fingers of her free hand would tap along her binder in an attempt to produce a beat.
And her lips made me want to kiss her day and..... Will stop.
What was wrong with me? I had hardly ever talked to her, and I was staring at her nails. I was just too scared to go upto her.
I actually had a bath and decided on actually talking to Amelia tomorrow.
I went upstairs and sat down for breakfast. I waited for mum and dad as it was a Sunday and it was customary to have breakfast with them. They soon arrived followed by all of my siblings and another girl.
Who was she? I am guessing she was Alia's friend.
"Are you going to introduce us?" Zain asks, casually looking the girl up and down. She looked older than me and Arjun was too angry to talk to Alia so Zain had to chat her up.
"This is Perrie, she is my business partner and she will be living with us till she finds herself a satisfactory place." Alia says, smiling at all of us.

"Have a seat, Perrie, how was your flight?" My mother asks first.
I bet she is only this nice to outsiders, she was never this nice to me. I almost scowl.

"It was good, thank you." Perrie courteously replies.

"Where are you from?" Jas asks next. Well, she was the curious kind.

"I am originally from England but I have been currently going to college in Florida." She replies, eating some of the fruits.

"Anyways, I am just glad that there is someone to help Alia, she wasn't handling the stress well." Dad pipes in. He just had to spoil her mood.
I know there would be media covering the event but that does put a lot of stress onto her. She needs a break and dad needs to chill out.

"No no, I have seen Alia's work, in fact I actually requested to work with her." Perrie replies just as nicely. I think she didn't pick up on dad's remark or she purposely didn't notice.

"Well, that's doubtful." Dad says finishing his breakfast.

"Where were you yesterday night, or should I say today morning?" Dad asked Alia with an imperative voice.

"I was sleeping." She says calmly. Why would dad even ask such a question?

"Okay, then why do I remember Jaspar telling me that you went out with Mr. Harry Styles today morning?" He asks again, even more irritated now.

"He came with me to pick up Perrie." She replies, her face had paled comparatively and she was clutching the fork in her hand way too hard.

"You left at 12 in the night." Dad stated. What was up with my sister. She was hardly the type to do all of this stuff.

"We went out, okay. Nothing serious." What? They went out? Had this happened before?
Dad was too furious too talk and he left the table immediately.
Mom glared at all three of us from across the table, which basically meant 'go away I need to talk to your sister' but obviously Jas was allowed. She would tell us everything later.


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