"kidney infection"

Start from the beginning


"Okay, Tae, I want you to lay down, while I call for an appointment with the doctor, but before that, can you show me?"
Jin asked.

Taehyung was laying down on the bed as Jin was talking to him. He felt embarrassed for sure, but it was so painful that he did not mind his hyung seeing him, plus they all have seen each other many times.
Taehyung slowly opened his pants and pulled his boxers down, face red with shame.

"Taehyung, there is nothing to feel embarrassed about. Let hyung see"
Jim said as he moved closer to Taehyung.

"Okay Taehyung, you know I am not a doctor, but it looks fine to me, but I think we should get you checked by a doctor, come on."
Jin said as Taehyung put on his pants. Jin helped him to get ready, Taehyung would bite his lips to prevent himself from crying as he got ready.
"I am taking Tae to the hospital, you guys take care. Don't worry too much, I'll let you all know, okay?"
Jin addressed the members as they waved them goodbye, patting Taehyung's head and assuring him that it'll be okay.

(Timeskip: doctor's waiting room)

"Hyung, I am scared,"
Taehyung said, voice cracking.

"It'll be okay hun"
Jin held his hand as he placed a soothing kiss on his temple.

"Mr Kim Taehyung, follow me please."
A nurse said.

Jin helped Taehyung up as they were lead to a room.

"Please wait here, the doctor will be here soon. Taehyung-shi, please lay down on the bed, undress completely and wear this gown"
The nurse went away, handing him the hospital gown.

Jin helped Taehyung change and soon he was on the bed, Jin sitting on a chair by his side.

After some time, a knock was heard on the door as a middle aged man came into the room.
"Good morning, I am doctor Lee, I will be checking you today."
The doctor said as he took out a notepad.
Jin explained him about what had happened as he took notes.
Then, the doctor wore gloves as he stood up, heading towards Taehyung.

"Okay Taehyung, I need to check you up. So first I will be checking your breathing. I need you to expose your chest. Will you want to be alone or is it okay if he stays"
He asked Taehyung as he pointed towards Jin.

"I want Jin hyung to stay, if that's okay."
Taehyung said as he pulled his hospital gown down, exposing his chest only.

The doctor nodded as he picked up the stethoscope and placed it's end on Taehyung's chest.
"Okay, take a deep breath in, hold it and then exhale slowly"
The doctor ordered as he place the stethoscope on the side of Taehyung's chest.
Taehyung gulped in a lot of air as he felt the stethoscope being placed each time, exhaling slowly.
The doctor placed the stethoscope again for one last time as his fingers brushed past Taehyung's nipples, Taehyung shuddered as the doctor apologised.

Satisfied, he kept the stethoscope back in his pocket as he checked Taehyung's throat and pulse.

"Okay, now Taehyung, please lie down and I am going to expose your stomach."
Taehyung followed, looking at Jin hyung once.
The doctor exposed his tummy as he checked his abdomen with the stethoscope.
"Taehyung, I will now press different areas on your abdomen and you need to tell me if that hurts."
As Taehyung nodded, he started prodding Taehyung's tummy, asking him to cough. Then he moved towards his liver and then just above his navel. He pressed around his navel, and then moved to his lower stomach. He pressed his lower abdomen with more pressure, checking his appendix.

"Taehyung, I'll be checking your kidneys now, This might hurt"
The doctor said as he gingerly placed his hands on the sides, putting pressure. He then added a bit more pressure and Taehyung screamed, whimpering.

The doctor apologised quickly as he wrote something down on his notepad.

"Tae, you'll be okay, it'll be over soon.."
Jin tried comforting him.

The doctor again started speaking.
"Okay Taehyung, I'll be doing a USG now, but before that, I need a sample of your urine to test it. You can use the washroom here."
The doctor pointed as he handed him a jar.
Taehyung got up and went to the bathroom, Jin wanted to accompany him but Taehyung had assured him that he would be fine on his own.
After some time, Taehyung was back as he gave the jar to Dr Lee, who took it to the pathology.

"Okay Taehyung, till we wait for the results, I'll be performing a USG, so please lie down."
Taehyung followed and the doctor removed his gown, applying some gel on his stomach as he placed the wand, moving it to different areas of his abdomen.
After getting the satisfying images, he gave Taehyung a tissue to clean himself up, as the doctor went to collect the reports of the urine test.

Soon the doctor was back. Taehyung was still laying down on the bed, Jin by his side, ruffling his hair.

"Okay Taehyung, the report says that it might be a kidney infection or some kind of cancer, but for that, uh, I'll require to check your genitals, if that's okay."
The doctor said.

Taehyung felt his world stop, he blushed profusely as he looked at Jin, hoping for mother earth to swallow him.

"Taehyung, it's okay, this is important, he is a doctor, I can leave if you want,"
Jin said as he got up.

"N-no, p-please stay, please"
Taehyung almost begged.

Jin looked at the doctor as the doctor allowed him.
Dr Lee wore a fresh pair of gloves as he asked Taehyung to remove the gown completely and lay down.

Taehyung's face was flushed the entire time as the doctor felt along the length of his penis, his genitals, prodded and finally, when he could not feel any lump or abnormalities, he crossed out the chance of cancer. Finally, he was done with the examination.

As Taehyung was getting dressed in the washroom, the doctor talked to Jin.

"So, I checked him up thoroughly, what I found out is that he has a kidney infection. It is nothing to worry about. I have prescribed some medicines, the cause is unknown though. Also, please make sure that he drinks a lot of water. The pain should go away, however, I would like to check him up again after 2 weeks."
The doctor said as he handed the prescription to Jin. Taehyung had come out of the washroom, fully dressed. They thanked the doctor as they took a leave.
Taehyung was very quiet throughout the car ride back to home, Jin could understand that Taehyung was upset, all he could do was talk to Taehyung about how brave he was and how well he did.
As soon as Taehyung and Jin reached their dorm, the members surrounded them, asking them questions. Jin cleared all their doubts. They were relieved knowing that it was nothing serious.
Taehyung also felt slightly better, knowing that he would be fine. He changed his clothes, as he wanted to rest for some more time. The pain was still there but he was given a painkiller and a glass of water, so he felt much better.
He climbed up on his bed. Soon, the other members joined him, cuddling him. Taehyung smiled to himself, as he was cocooned between his members. He felt good.


My notes:

Finally, I could upload. Well, this one is very different, so please let me know if you like it or not. Vote and comment please as they encourage me. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. Thanks a lot for supporting me and being there for me. Also, I am extremely sorry for being late. I really tried hard, sorry.
Also, I'll be working on your requests soon.
Love you.
(I don't know if you'll like this chapter or not, but I really tried.)

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