The Best Day Ever- Kol

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It was midnight. I had no clue where I was. My eyes darted left and right, finally landing on a figure in the distance. I slowly made my way over to the person, and regretted even moving in his direction. A vampire was less than 10 feet from me. He knew I was there, but hadn't turned around yet. A person hung limp in his arms, blood dripping from their neck to the ground. 

I had no clue what to do, so I stayed still. The man finally spoke. 

"And what is a beautiful woman doing at this time of night, all alone?" 

"Nothing." I spun around and found the energy to run. 

Kol's POV

I saw the girl run away, but I somehow managed to stay where I was. I was completely intoxicated by her. I dropped the person in my arms and went home. 

Reader POV

I ran all the way home, not stopping for anything. I was going crazy, vampires didn't exist. They were just a myth. 

The next day I wasn't expecting to see him again. In daylight. School had just let out, and I was alone in the park. He sat right next to me. 



"My name is Kol."

I scoffed, and leaned back on the bench. 

"Cool. Just because you introduced yourself doesn't mean I'll like you. You are a monster." I looked over at Kol, and took in the appearance of the handsomest man I had ever seen. 

"And I'm Cara by the way." We both smiled and looked off into the distance. 

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