Confidential- Marcel

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The quarter was vibrating with music at midnight, an obvious occurrence since the tourism was so high all year. I was at a party with my girlfriends, the only one who was sober among us. I had come to visit New Orleans last winter, and had ended up staying here.

"Where's my girl?" I turned around only to be engulfed in a hug.

"I see you've been busy." He chuckled, and released me from his grasp.

"And I see you brought friends. Very drunk friends."

"Well, your party made them that way."

"It's almost midnight. We should go."

"Are you trying to get me to go home with you?"

"What, no."

"Mh-uh. Yeah, you are. I see that smile."

"How about we get some air." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Get away from the drunken people." I sighed.

"Okay, fine. Lead the way, Marcel."

"Why did you want to leave your own party?"

"Well, I wanted to be alone with you." I bumped right into him, and I realized our faces had become dangerously close.

"And I want to do this." He closed the space between us, kissing me. I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He pulled away, both of us gasping for air.

We walked around the block until I realized something.

"Oh, god! I've got to get my friends. I;m their ride home." I spun around and ran off in the direction we had come, Marcel at my heels. He grabbed my arm, causing me to stop.


"I'll go get them. You can go get your car." I didn't argue, but it was a good plan, so I happily obliged. When I got to my car, I waited for a solid fifteen minutes before I realized that Marcel had no idea what my friends even look like. Groaning, I walked back into the party, and froze in my tracks. Everyone in the party was kissing other people's necks. My gaze drifted to another couple, when the woman broke away from the other woman's neck, I saw blood dripping down her chin. What the hell? I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I opened them and she was still there.

They weren't kissing, they were drinking people's blood. They were vampires. I felt a hand grab my arm, and pulled me out the door. I turned my head, and saw Marcel.

"What the hell is going on?" Marcel's eyes darted from me to the building we were just in.

"Is that why you wanted to leave?" He ignored my question, refusing to look me in the eye.

"So this is what you were hiding?"

"What, n-no."

"So you were hiding it from me? The fact that you own a club full of vampires who only come out at midnight."

"It's not a club."

"Then what is it exactly?"

"The vampires can't go in the sunlight, so they have to feed at night."

"You didn't answer my question."

"It's a place for vampires to feed."

"On innocent blood, and they might kill someone."

"We have rules to make sure they don't, and they compel people to forget about them. It keeps us safe."

"Us, as in you and them?"

"Yes, y/n. I'm a vampire too."

"So, why am I not dead?"

"I can control my urges for blood. I've had 200 years of practice."

"You're 200 years old? Cool."

"I thought you'd be scared of me."

"I could never be scared of you, Marcel." I wrapped my arms around him, and whispered in his ear.

"If I was scared of you, I wouldn't love you."

"I got it!" I ran into the living room.

"Give it to me. Now." I shot him a glare.

Please give me the bag." I handed Marcel the blood bag.

"You know, its been a while since I found out you were a vampire, and I have yet to meet the person who turned you."

"Trust me. You don't want to meet him."

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