Saving Me- Hayley

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"I need you to stay close to me", Rebekah whispered.

"What are we doing?" Hayley asked.

"We have some things to do, and I want to make this happen fast or someone will get hurt. Trust me, okay?"

Hayley nodded. The two girls made their way down the hallway, passing by many rooms of people sleeping. It wasn't even ten o'clock at night. Rebekah wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, so they would all be safe. There were several people around, but no one seemed suspicious. Everyone was still asleep. That didn't mean that it wouldn't be dangerous though.

"Where are we going anyway?" Hayley whispered when the corridor ended and Rebekah took a sharp turn to the left. They were nearing the basement now. Rebekah could see a few lights shining up from down there. She had been down here before. She knew she had to hurry.

"The room where the bodies are kept. Remember? We can use our phones to call for help once everything is ready."

Hayley nodded, understanding where they were going. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. 'Oh my God', she thought. 'She's really going to do this.'

They rounded the corner into a large hall. In front of them was a heavy door that led into a massive room. At the far end of the hall stood a single chair. Someone else was seated on it. Rather they were tied to it. A tall blonde girl, probably about twenty years old, dressed in white.

'Rebekah', Hayley reminded herself, trying to focus.

"You must leave", the girl said without looking back at them. "And take no one with you. No exceptions", she continued.

"But..." Hayley began.

"No but's", the girl snapped. Her eyes finally met Hayley's, and Hayley saw fear and anger reflected back at her in those dark brown depths. "Leave, and never return. Do not come back", the girl warned.

"Who are you?" Rebekah demanded, moving closer to the girl's side.

"I am what you think I am", the girl replied bitterly, refusing to look away from Rebekah.

"Let her go!"

"That will not work. Leave, and be gone. You will never again set foot in these grounds."

"What are you talking about!? Who are you?! How did you know who we were?!"

The stranger scoffed, "Of course, you don't remember. I am supposed to be dead, you know. Or should I say, someone like me. Except unlike me, I am not human", she finished quietly, almost in a whisper.

"Who are you? " Hayley whispered.

"You know exactly who I am," the girl said, finally raising her head towards Hayley's face. She looked tired. Sad. Defeated. Her gaze softened for just a second. "I'm Averina Vincent. And I have nothing to do with you getting killed."


As if on cue, gunshots echoed through the quiet halls. Hayley gasped, turning to see a dark shadow move behind the window on the other side of the room. The silhouette raised a gun to its lips, firing four shots in rapid succession. As the bullets hit home in Averina's chest, a pained moan escaped her lips.

Hayley rushed forward, grabbing hold of the ropes tying Averina to the chair. "Hayley", Averina groaned, reaching out with one arm and pulling her closer. "Get yourself free", she ordered, sounding more annoyed than anything. "Go. Run!"


"If I die, I will come back for both of us. So please just... run", Averina sighed, closing her eyes, "Please", she begged.

"There's not enough time!" Hayley argued.

"I know that. I am counting on you", Averina insisted, reaching out and gently placing her hand on top of Hayley's.

"I love you!" Hayley cried, squeezing Averina's hand tightly.

"I know", Averina whispered. She looked at Hayley with an expression Hayley would describe as heartbroken. "And I love you too. But you have to live, Hayley. Just... don't give up, okay? Not yet."

Hayley couldn't take it anymore. Tears threatened to spill over, but she bit the inside of her cheek hard. "I won't leave you behind", she said firmly.


The basement was eerily silent. There was a thick layer of dust coating everything in sight. Averina stumbled through the darkness toward one of the light switches at the side of the room. She clicked it on and immediately recoiled.

"Shit! Sorry, Hayley!" She exclaimed, flicking the switch off as fast as she could manage. She reached out blindly in the pitch black room until her fingers found another wall. She lowered herself onto the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees.

"When are we going to get to the compound?"

"Soon. You'll be safe there, Ava." They had slept there the previous night, Rebekah running ahead to spot for Elijah and Klaus. They would all come to meet in a vantage point just south of where Hayley and Ava were now.

"Are you dressed now?"

"Uh, yes." Ava felt up the wall, and flicked the switch on. For the first time in three years, she could take in the woman she loved.

"You look pretty."

"You look like you went through hell." A laugh escaped Ava's lips as Hayley wrapped her arms around her.

"I did. But at least I still have you."

"Of course you do, darling. I will never leave you ever again. Not even for a moment."

Ava pulled away from Hayley, and said, "We should get going. We don't want to keep Bekah waiting."

"No, we do not."


Ava had been reunited with her old friends, who were more like family than friends. The compound hadn't changed at all since she had last been here.

"Ava, come on." Hayley shouted from the top of the stairwell.

"Coming!" Ava vamp speed up the stairs and tackled Hayley onto the bed. She kissed the hybrid with passion, craving the feeling of her lips on hers. Hayley trialed her lips down Ava's neck, earning a moan from her lips.

"You better not be doing what I think you're doing! Especially not in my room." Rebekah shouted from the foyer.

"Sorry, Beks." Hayley wrapped her arms around Ava and ran out of Rebekah's room.

'Shall we continue what we started, darling?"

"Please do." Hayley smirked and whispered in Ava's ear.

'This is going to be a night you will remember forever."

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