Querencia- 1730s: Kol

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A small breath escaped my lips. In any other situation it would have been normal. In this one, though, it was surely deadly. I was currently hiding from the most infamous vampire hunter in the world. A hypocritical vampire who kills his own kind.

A dagger shot through the table I was under, mere inches from my face.

"Show yourself, vile creature." I pursed my lips, unmoving.

A whir of wind, bone snapping, and a thud sounded. A face, the hunters, landed feet from me; eyes staring blankly ahead. He wasn't infinitely dead, just temporarily. But I still wasn't alone, another vampire was here. Finally, she was here. I could always count on her to save my dumb ass.

"Y/n, you do remember this was your brilliant plan?"

"Of course I do." I crawled out from under the table.

"And why do I always have to kill everyone you piss off?"

"Because you love me?" She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, we should get going. People are starting to question your disappearance."

"Go, y/n. I'll deal with-." She nodded her head in his direction, as I followed Thomas.

"Do you know where your antics will get you?"

"Do remind me. As you've told me countless times before. And don't think I've soon forgotten." Thomas huffed, and opened the grand ballroom doors. The quiet conversations of my guest hushed immediately as I walked onto the platform. I sighed, knowing I would have to make a compelling speech.

"Thank you all for coming to the annual Summers End Banquet. I am honored to have each and every one of you here tonight. And make sure to make good use of the new bar."

The conversations started back up as soon as I started making my way down the curved staircase. Hopefully she has already sent him away in a carriage, or permanently killed him. I greet everyone who bows to me as I make my way to the bar.

Grand speeches were not really my thing, but with my current façade, I needed to keep up appearances. I was impersonating the daughter of a deceased French noble.

"Your grace." A voice rose above the voices from the crowd. I turned slightly to see her.

"Glad you decided to join me tonight."

"Did I really have any other choice?"

"Did you deal with?"

"Of course. He's on his way to the bottom of the ocean was we speak."


"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Really. It's French. For fantastic." I gave her a incredulous look. "I can't believe you don't know that. We are pretending to be French. And I thought I was the dumb one." She lightly slapped my arm before grabbing a drink. She downed the whole thing as a noble man approached us. Mostly nobles were in attendance, but if he was less I couldn't tell. Everyone looked like nobility tonight.

"A dance, my lady." He looked at her as he said it. Normally it was me who was dancing. I raised my eyebrows at her, and she grabbed his outstretched hand.

Two pairs of eyes had been staring at her all night, watching her every move, as if to protect her with their very gaze.

I was a vampire in a room full of potential hunters, and if what she said was true, one less hunter to worry about. Then there was the fact of werewolves that could be in this very room, on the night of a full moon. Witches were all my friends, it was a witch who helped her put the hunter on the bottom of the ocean. In my time of knowing her, I had never asked her name, nor did she ask me mine. It was a perfect deal. I had gotten a friend without sharing who I undeniably was.

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