Eyes Off You- 1100's: Elijah

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Hailee's POV

"Isn't killing cute helpless creatures the first step in becoming a serial killer?" Elijah shook his head and guided the bow and arrow I was holding straight at the deer ten feet away. "Let go." I let the arrow fly, striking the deer in the side. It fell to the ground, dead before it hit.

"Not bad for a girl." The smile on his face said otherwise. "You think I'm dreadful, don't you?" I scoffed and stormed away. He was always making fun of me. Maybe he liked it. The look on my face every time.

I slammed into someone. Niklaus. I groaned and turned around, only to find Rebekah glaring at me. Elijah was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Elijah?" Niklaus let out a low growl and slammed me against a tree. He pulled my head to the side and bit my neck, obviously drawing blood. I could feel the blood being drained from my body with each of his movements. He didn't compel me, so I screamed as loud as I could. My screams turned into whimpers and soon I was quiet as a mouse.

I know I passed out because the next thing I knew, I was bouncing up and down in someone's muscular arms. My left arm was slung over their shoulder. My right side was drenched in blood. My blood. Niklaus was my least favorite person in the world right now. The light burned my eyes when I opened them. The man stopped and set me on the ground. 'Lijah. He tried to keep me awake, but I passed out a few seconds later.

I woke up in my bed, a bandage around my neck and Elijah waiting at the door.

"I'm going to kill him." It was barely a whisper, but Elijah still jerked his head in my direction. He sprinted to the bed and gripped my hand. "How am I alive? He killed me." Tears formed in Elijah's eyes as he pulled away from me.

    "I used my blood to heal you, Hailee." I nodded, knowing vampire blood healed. Wait, Elijah was a vampire? Fear coursed through my entire body. "If you're a vampire, how did you fight it? The urge? I was covered in blood." A tear dropped down his cheek.

"I didn't." This was all he said as he left the room. It was barely audible, but I still heard it.


I brought up the courage to go to Niklaus's birthday party, knowing they all would be there. The Originals would all be staked tonight.  Niklaus tried to kill me. Rebekah helped. Elijah fed on me. Kol tried to kill me as well. Finn loved me.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Jeremy, my twin asked. I nodded and descended down the spiral staircase to the ballroom. The stake is hidden in my corset. Jeremy would kill Kol; I would kill Niklaus; our mother would kill Finn; our father would kill Rebekah; and Elijah would be killed by one of us. Whoever has enough time, but probably me.

The blood Niklaus had drained from me was regenerated fully. Instrumental music filled the ballroom as I stepped onto the main floor. Jeremy linked arms with me and we walked to the drinks together.

"Go to him." I whispered to Jeremy. He nodded and motioned for me to lower my corset. I smirked and did what he gestured. We both sauntered off in different directions. My necklace tickled me as I walked in the direction I last saw Niklaus.

"Kol." I greeted everyone I knew, knowing five of them would be dead by the end of the night. I finally found Niklaus, walked up to him and slapped him in the face. Hard. He gripped my arm and pulled me off to the side. He pinned my arms behind my back and ran kisses down my jawline.

"Love, where is the oak stake?" He started to reach his hand down my corset, but before he could touch me, I threw my head back, hit him in the nose, which sent him backward, and calmly walked away. I missed my chance, but who cared. I was not about to let an Original get his way with me.

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