Back at School

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A/n stay safe guys. A lot of bad things are happening. And I don't want you guys to get hurt💜

Y/n pov (because that's so original)

"WAKE UP!!!"

I groan. Then I feel a weight on top of me. Sigh. My idiot brother decided to wake me up again.

"Itsuki." I say sleepily. "Let me sleeeeep!" I try pushing him off but he weighs too much for my morning weakness.

"No. You have to go to school." He says.

"I know but I don't want to. I'm tired and sore from training."

"Too bad so sad." He says while getting off me.

But before I could do anything, he yanks me out of my comfortable bed. I fall onto the floor in a useless pile of Y/n. Then I feel my uniform being thrown at me.

"Fineeeee!" I whine. "But get out!"

"Okay okay!" I then hear the shutting of my bedroom door.

"Sheesh. I swear the neighbors and people below us must think we're crazy." I say to myself as I get ready for school.


"Geez! How hard is it to make toast? It's a basic skill!" I yell at my brother who burnt the toast.

"I thought you would like crispy toast. Hehehe."

I face palm. "2-3 minutes is good toast. 4 is a bit crispier. 5 is burnt toast. But 6! What are you cremating in our toaster!"

I then put some new pieces of bread in the toaster. This time it pops out not burnt. Sigh.

"I'm leaving now. Enjoy your burnt toast." I say grabbing my to-go breakfast.

I put on my shoes and walk out the door. At the same time, I hear another door closing. I look over and see Izuku. I run over and wrap my arms around his neck (despite me being slightly taller). He wraps his arms around my waist.

I then push him away by the shoulders. "Do you know how much trouble you're in? You could have died! I was worried sick! If you ever-"

I'm cut off by him saying, "I get it Y/n." All of my anger is quickly depleted and I pull him into another hug. "C'mon. We have yo go to school."

My face erupts into a deep red blush. "Y-yeah."

We then start our walk to school.


"What'd you do Y/n?"

"Huh?" I turn to my pink friend.

"What did you do at your internship?" She asks again.

"O-oh. We mostly did physical training. Not a lot of quirk related stuff. But we did get to stop a bunch of thugs while on patrol. She even allowed me to fight." I reply.

"Lucky. When we did that, I had to help the bystanders get to safety." Kyoka mumble next to me.

"Hey! That's really important! Who knows what could've happened to them if you hadn't? I bet you were awesome out there."

She smile. "Yeah. I guess you're right."

Up until class starts, we keep on talking about our time with the pros. I overheard how Mineta just did a bunch of chores for Mt. Lady. This made me happy. He got what he deserved for being a perv.

Once class starts, We are told to put on our hero costumes. Apparently we're doing a rescue exercise. Basically a few of us race to where All Might and everyone else is. Whoever gets there first rescued everyone. I'm excited to see how everyone improved over the last week.

We all run to the locker room and put our hero costumes on. After that we go to where All Might is waiting for us.

The first group was Izuku, Sero, Iida, Ojiro and Mina. I'm excited! I'm worried about Izu tho. He can't use his quirk without breaking his bones.

Some of us are betting on our classmates.

"You guys are being childish." I say. "Who bets against their classmates? I've got 1000 yen on Ojiro."

"You and me both L/n." Says Kaminari next to me. We turn to each other and high five.

I am startled by an air horn going off signaling for the others to start. I look at the screen.

Seri is swinging on pipes using his tape. Mina is sliding on the pipes using her acid. Iida is zooming. Ojiro boucin.

But what surprises me is Izuku. He's using his quirk and going really fast. But the most surprising of all is the fact that he's not breaking any bones.

*wipes fake tear*

My baby is all grown up!

"Wait....aren't those moves...?"

I look over to see a angry Bakugou. No not angry. Fuming. Oof man. He took your moves.

I look back at the screen just in time to see Izuku loose his footing. He falls to the ground. Oop.

In the end, Seri won. Resulting in me looking my 1000 yen to Kiri baby. Rip my bank account.


As I'm walking home with Izuku, I remember something very important that I need to do today.



"I promised Daisuke I would babysit his little sister for him after school." I tell him.

"Oh." He replies softly. This makes me go :(

"I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?"

"...yeah...see you later I guess." Now I'm sad.

We part ways. Him going home, me to babysit. Stupid Daisuke. Always getting me to do his job.


A/n that's for today folks. Bye.

Love at First Dance II Midoriya Izuku X Fem!Reader IIWhere stories live. Discover now