Random Chapter #2

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If you haven't seen my character profiles, this is Hikaru.

Y/n pov

I wake up to pots and pans crashing around. I ignore and try to go back to sleep. Then I hear yelling and the sound of a wooden spoon being hit around in a pot.

"Y/N! WAKE! UP! BREAKFAST IS READY! AND I'M TAKING YOU SHOPPING!" Itsuki yells in an attempt to wake me up. It worked. I groan and stretch my hands above my head as I get out of bed.

I hate mornings. I walk out of my room to where my annoying brother is serving toast and bacon.

"I didn't think you had the skill set to cook." I say bluntly as I sit down. "Your lucky our apartment walls are thick. You could've given our neighbors a morning heart attack."

He just smiles at this. I just decide to ignore him as I eat my breakfast. He sits down across from me and starts eating as well.

"C'mon! Hurry up! Finish your food and get dressed!" My brother shouts at me. I just give him a questioning glance as I stiff the rest of the food into my mouth.

"I already told you we're going shopping!" I sigh. I was planning a date. A date with me and my bed.

I go to my room and pick out an outfit to wear.


Once we get to the mall, Itsuki pulls me toward a clothing store. Once we get there he picks out a bunch of outfits for me to try on.

I whine that I don't want to, but he insists. Why does he assume all girls love shopping for clothes? I like it but I don't like to do it often.

After a few minutes I finish trying on all the outfits he gave me. Gotta admit, he does know how to pick out clothes that suit me. In the end, I ended up getting a couple items from that store.

Then he takes me to Hot Topic and I get a couple chokers and some other things there.


As we're leaving the mall, I felt releived. I just wanna go home and sleep.

In the end, I only had 4 bags in total. One from each store we bought something from. Which, if you were wondering, was only 4.

Once we get home I drop my bags on the floor and flop down on my bed. Just then, my brother shouts that he's going on patrol. Great. Home alone once again. I guess I should make myself useful and make lunch for myself.

Just as I enter the kitchen, there's a knock on the door. I open it up only to find my brother. He akwardly laughing while scratching the back of his neck.

"Lemme guess. You forgot your keys?" He nods. I sigh and grab them for him. He thanks me and leaves once more.

A few seconds after I close the door, I hear another knock. I can't help but think it's my brother forgetting something, again.

I open the door, this time it's Midoriya. Oh.

"What brings you here Midoriya?" I ask, quite curious.
"Well, my mom saw your b-brother leaving and was w-wondering if you wanted to come over till he g-gets back?" He asks.
"Sure, but he might not be back until later." I say.

I walk over to their apartment with him. As soon as the door opens, I'm engulfed in a warm hug.

"I couldn't stand the thought of a young girl being home alone while her brother goes to work for hours and hours." Inko says in a worried tone.

"Thanks for worrying about me Inko, but I would've been fine alone. I do appreciate the invite though."

She nods and says, "I'm almost done with lunch. You and Izuku can go hang out in his room till I'm done."

My face turns red at the thought of being in a guy's room. And by the looks of it, Midoriya is quite flustered too. But despite that, he just leads me to his room. Before he opens the door, he tells me that it's really messy.

"It couldn't possibly be worse than mine." I say and open the door. What I see doesn't surprise me. It's covered in All Might merch.

I kinda expected this though. Ever since I came over for dinner, I notice he always talks about All Might.


After lunch, Midoriya and me just sit and talk about heroes and our other passions.

I told him about how much Inlove dance and I see a look of realization on his face. It confused me but I kept talking.

Then we got to the topic of school.

"Where are you applying L/n?" He asks.
"Oh! I'm applying for U.A.! I really wanna be a hero!" I say really excited.
"Cool! Me too!"

Nice. Who knows? We might just be in the same class.

Love at First Dance II Midoriya Izuku X Fem!Reader IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin