The Obstical Race

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A/n okay I got nothing to say bye

Y/n pov

"Ready! Set! Begin!"

Everyone starts running through the tunnel but I use the shadows around me to go over everyone's heads. I knew that something was gonna happen here. Now everyone is stuck in the tunnel.

It's a good thing I'm off the ground because soon after people got stuck in the tunnel, the temperature dropped and I knew immediately that Todoroki froze the ground.

After a I'm out of the tunnel I land on the ground and start running. I'm only a few places behind Todoroki.

While running I begin to see the zero pointers from the entrance exam. Once they came into view, Todoroki froze them while they were off balance (as a dancer I can tell when things are off balance). Once frozen, they start falling over but I hold them up long enough to slip under them.

Once I get past, I hear them crash. I refuse to look back and I just keep going.

Soon we end up at a canyon with a bunch of rock platforms and ropes connecting them. I see Iida using his engines to get across and Todoroki using his ice to slide. I decide to just use the shadows around me and walk in mid air. This trick takes a lot of concentration but it was still pretty fast.

Once on the other side I continue to run, rubbing the blur out of my eyes. I'm am currently on 3rd place.

After a little mire running, we end up at a field of landmines. I decide to use a different part of my quirk. I run straight into the landmines and slip into the shadows.

I call this shadow traveling. I can only travel a few meters at a time but it's faster than slowly walking through the mines.

After slipping from shadow to shadow, I eventually end up in Todoroki's shadow. I slip right back into the shadow and end up a little further ahead.

Once I'm ahead of Todo and Baku I hear a huge explosion behind me. This makes me pause but I quickly regain my composure and continue what I was doing.

Pretty soon, I'm at the end of landmine field. I continue running. After a second I hear another explosion and I see a shadow flying over me. I look up and see Izuku. When he lands he uses his momentum and continues to run. I try my best to catch up but he's going too fast.

I run through the tunnel back into the arena. I'm really proud of myself but I quickly realize that Todoroki got ahead of me at the last second. But 3rd place is still pretty good.

I start making my way to Izuku. He looks happy and surprised. Me too honestly.

"Hey Izu! You did amazing out there! What you did at the last obstical, genius." I say patting him on the back.

He starts blushing and replies, "O-oh. U-um. It was n-nothing r-really! What about you! You w-were brilliant w-with that last m-move!"

"Oh that? That was nothing. Just something I figured out a few months ago. I call it shadow traveling. Right now I can only travel a few meters at a time. But I can travel in a long chain." I reply.

I swear, if he had paper he would be writing everything down. His hands were twitching and his eyes were sparkling.

"That's amazing Y/n! Can you tell me more later? So I can write it down?"



Pretty soon, Midnight stands on the podium getting ready to announce the next event. They spin the wheel again. When the wheel stopped Midnight announced that we were doing a cavalry battle.

She told us we could be in teams of two to four people. She then told is to go look for teammates. I look around to see who's team I can be on but by the looks of it, everybody knows what team they wanna be on.

I then feel a tap on my shoulder. When I turn around I see someone I haven't seen since first year of middle school.

"Hey Neito! It's been a while!"


A/n hehehehehe

Neito is your friend now!

Thanks for reading

Love at First Dance II Midoriya Izuku X Fem!Reader IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon