Random Chapter

668 13 7

This is what Daisuke looks like. You guys are the only one's on your team that goes to your school.

Y/n pov

"That concludes this lesson. Use the rest of this class period to work on homework and whatever else."

I sigh. Finally, I was starting to get really bored. I yawn and stetch as I get up and walk over to Daisuke, I sit down.

"Do you need something?" He asks.
"Yeah, a conversation with my friend." I say.
"Go talk to someone else. I'm trying to work."
"But I wanna talk to my best friend." I whine.

He sighs and puts what's left of his homework into his bag. Thank you! I need attention!

"What do you wanna talk about?"
"Mmm." I shrug. "I just wanted to talk instead of being bored."

He deadpans meanwhile I laugh.

"Hmmm. Let me see....." He tries to think of a conversation starter.

"Oh! I know? What high school are you applying for?" He asks.
"I've told you a million times. I wanna be a hero and go to U.A. like my brother." I say.

He nods. "I guess. But what if you don't make it? What will you do then?"
"Go into general studies and try to get into the hero course as the year goes by. Where do you want to go?"

He thinks about my question. After a minute, he finally answers.

"I want to go to *insert private high school name here*." Boring.

"Boring but go for it. But don't you have to take a really difficult written exam?"
"Yeah but with my grades I'm sure to get in."

He's right. Unlike him, my grades SUCK! But I'm still proud.


After the bell rang to go home I rush out the door. If I don't hurry, Itsu will leave me and I don't wanna walk. Nor do I want to take the smelly train.

I run outside and spot my dear brother flirting with a random passer by. I sigh at this.

I walk up to him, grab his arm and drag him to his car. He shouts a goodbye to the random lady and gets into the car.

"That was rude." He laughs and ruffles my hair.
I swat his hand away and say while fixing my hair, "Yeah, and I wanted to get home."


After I finish my homework, I just lay down on my bed playing on my phone and texting with dad. Because of his job, he always has to get up early. It's around 5-ish in California right now.


How's living with your brother?
I hope he's being a good brother.


Living here's great
And Itsuki is be a very good brother.
the other day i got to know some of my new nieghbors.


That's good to hear that you're enjoying yourself over there.
Your mother and i miss you very much.


I miss you guys too
Have a good day at work❤


And you have a good night❤

I sigh as I put down my phone. I miss them so much. I can't wait till I get to visit. They promised to take me to Disneyland!

I get under my f/c sheets and slip into a dreamless sleep.

A/n that was just a random chapter while I think about what to write for future chapters.

Author-chan out!

Love at First Dance II Midoriya Izuku X Fem!Reader IIWhere stories live. Discover now