The Entrance Exams

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Aight here we go. Just saying, I don't swear, so you will be dissapointed when we finally meet Bakuhoe. But I don't mind if you swear in the comments.

Y/n pov

I was just sleeping when all of a sudden.....
"Y/N WAKE UP!" My annoying big brother yells as he jumps on top of me.

I just groan in response and say, "Five more minutes."
"Not five more minutes. You have your entrance exams today."

I jump out of bed, shove him out of my room and start getting ready.

After I finish getting dressed and stuff, I rush downstairs to get my breakfast. Itsuki just made some taost and cereal. I forgot he can't cook to save his life.

I quickly eat and run out the door with my brother hot on my tail. He's taking me to the exams. Because I'm to lazy to walk.

As I get to the car, I hear someone yell my name. I turn around to see Midoriya. I forgot that he's taking the exam too.

"Do you mind giving me a ride over to U.A. for the exams?" He asks.
"Yeah totally!"

We all get in the car and drive off.


A little while later, we get to U.A.

I get out of the car and start heading inside with Izuku. All of a sudden, I look over to see Izuku trip and start to fall. But instead of hitting the ground, he started floating.

I look over to see a brunette making Izuku float.

After that whole interaction, we all head inside and sit in our seats. I ended up sitting next to this guy with blue hair and glasses.

He turns to me and introduces himself. "Hello! My name is Iida Tenya!"

"Uh. My name's L/n Y/n." I say awkwardly. He then shakes my hand and we turn to the front right when Present Mic starts talking.

He explained the robots and point blah blah blah. Then Iida shoots his hand up and asks about the fourth robot on the print out. Then he points at Midoriya and calls him out for muttering.

After that, Present Mic answers his question, and tells us how the fourth villian is worth zero points and that we should just try to avoid it.

After that, we head to our battle arenas. Once there, I start warming up. I notice and angry pomeranian looking guy. Everytime someone tries to interact with him, he screams at them and calls them an extra. I deadpan at this.

Present Mic then appears at the top of the gate and says, "GO!" and I start running in.

After a minute, I spot a three pointer. I use the shadows around me and make a huge hammer and smash the thing.

It goes on like this for a while when I feel a huge rumble and spot the zero pointer. I was about to run, when I hear a cry for help. I turn and see a kid on the ground with, what looked to be, a sprained ankle. This made it so he couldn't run.

I run towards him and help him up. I then help him limp to safety. He then hugs and thanks me. I tell him it was no problem.


After the exam, I try to meet back up with Midoriya, but I'm having trouble seeing right now. I finally find my way to the front of the school where I roughly see a head of curly green hair.

I walk up to him and cling onto him like my life depends on it.

"What's wrong L/n?" He asks after I attach to his arm.
"Oh nothing. Just the fact that I can hardly see anything."
"Why is that?"
"An affect of my quirk."

He looks amazed after I said that. If I remember, I don't think I've told him about my quirk yet.

He tries to ask me more, but I just tell him that I'll give him more details tomorrow.

We soon get back to our apartment complex. He says bye to me as I stumble into my house, hardly being able to see anything.

I was so tired that, as soon as I walk through the door to my room, I fell onto my bed and went to sleep.


I was feeling lazy with this chapter and didn't give it too many details.

Untill next time

Author-chan out

Love at First Dance II Midoriya Izuku X Fem!Reader IIWhere stories live. Discover now