The Final Battle

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A/n I'm lazy so imma just write this chapter as if the reader only pays attention to the battle sometimes. She'll mostly be thinking abt a certain someone and how she's gonna confess😏


Y/n pov

When the battle starts I see Bakugou send some explosion Todoroki's way and Todoroki send him some ice. Nice. It's pretty intense so far. I notice Bakugou yelling Todo but the dual haired male ignored the Pomeranian.

After a minute I zone out again thinking about what I'm gonna do.

Maybe I'll just straight up tell him, or I could give a speech. Decisions decisions. Hmmmmmmm. I think to myself.

I hear another huge explosion and I tune back into the fight. I see Mr. Peppermint use more ice. I also notice that this makes boom boom boy get more angry. I think that explosion boy wants Canada to use his fire. I mean, he did use his fire in his match with Izu.

I blush at the thought of my curly green haired friend. Sigh.

Once again I zone out thinking about him. Just thinking about him makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. Even if he doesn't like me back, I still wanna be friends with him. I don't wanna loose a friend because I caught feelings.

I then hear a huge explosion. Once the smoke clears, I see Todoroki laying out of bounds on a pile of ice. I then see Bakugou blast his way over and grip the other male's shirt. He then starts yelling at him.

Then I notice a bunch of pink mist stuff. I then see Midnight lifting her sleeve. The two teens pass out completely.

Looks like the winner of the sports festival this year is Bakugou. He got what he wanted.


It's now time for the award ceremony. I see three of my classmates, one on each podium. Tokoyami in third, Todoroki is second, and a restrained Bakugou in first. He looks really mad though. I bet if he didn't have a muzzle he would be swearing like a Russian sailor right now.

"Hey, where's Iida?" I ask noticing the absence of our class representative.

"He got a call that said his brother was in the hospital. So he left to go see him." Izuku replies. I nod and turn my head back to what's happening.

All Might grabs the third place medal and places it around the neck of bird boy. The symbol of piece then gives him a hug.

He then moves to Todoroki. He grabs the second place medal and puts it around the neck of Mr. Peppermint and hugs him too.

When he got to Bakuhoe he said that the muzzle was unnecessary and removed it. He then grabs the first place medal and attempts to put it around Bakugou's neck but he keeps avoiding it. All Might eventually puts the medal in Baku' s mouth. Mega oof.


After the award ceremony we all went to our classroom. Aizawa told us good job and gave some people things to work on. He told me I needed to work on my quirk endurance. He then tells us to go home.

I catch up with Izuku. "Hey Izu! Do you wanna come over to my place?"

"U-uh. Sure!" He replies. I smile. I'm nervous. I turn my head back and see the girls giving me thumbs up and mouthing good luck.

As we're walking we mostly just talk about quirks and heroes and stuff like that.

"Hey Y/n? Can you tell me more about what you did during the obstical race?" He asks pulling out his notebook.

"Oh sure. Um. A few weeks ago I was jogging in the park. I stepped into the shadow of a tree and I just slipped into it's shadow and appeared in a different shadow. I call it shadow traveling. After that I practiced it a bit. It doesn't take much of my energy so I can do it a lot." I explain.

He scribbles it down into his notebook and looks at me. His eyes have sparkles in them. He looks so amazed at this.

"That's so cool! Can anybody in your family do this?" He asks. I shake my head.

"My mom and brother have the same quirk which is shadow armor. Basically they can use shadow to make armor and weapons." I reply. I see him writing that down too.


We then get to our apartment complex. He goes into his apartment to get changed before he came over.

I went into mine to get changed as well. As soon as I step inside, I'm tackled to the ground in a big hug.

"Y/n sweetie! You did so amazing!" I hear my mom squeal in my ear.

My parents release me and I go to my room to get dressed. Once I'm done getting into more casual clothes I hear a knock on the door.

I race out of my room to try and answer it but I'm too late. I see my mom at the door hugging a surprised looking broccoli boy.

"I forgot to tell you Izuku. My parents are here!" I say.

My mom releases him and he stumbles over to me. "You're okay. Just caught me off guard."

"Mom! Don't go hugging random boys that knock on our door!" I shout at my mom.

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" She asks. At this we both blush.

"N-no mom! I-I don't h-have a boyfriend! C'mon Izu. L-let's go to my room." I say dragging my friend behind me. Both of us still blushing messes.

Once I shut the door he asks, "So what d-do you w-wanna do?"

"Let's play truth or dare."


A/n now you gotta wait till the next chapter to find out what happens next. OooOoOoOoO

Thanks for reading!

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