The Goodbyes

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I suck at writing so plaese tell me if there is anything that needs to be fixed.
Thank you

Y/n pov

Today is the day that mom and dad are leaving for America. Man, I'm really gonna miss them.

"Miss L/n, would you please pay attention."
"Sorry sir." I appologize to my teacher.

I keep zoning out. I just can't stop thinking about my parents. I'm still upset that they're moving, but I can't stay mad at them. I mean, they did take me into consideration.


School ended and I'm currently at home packing up the rest of my things to move in with my brother. At least I get to see him more often. Ever since he started becoming a more famous hero, he's been a lot more busy with hero work, interviews and other stuff.

"Y/n, honey, are you finished?"
"Yeah, mom."
"Okay, lets head to the airport."

On the drive to the airport, we would talk about memories that we shared at cetain places that we passed.

"Oh, and that ice cream! Remember when right after I ordered, all my ice cream fell onto my lap?" My dad asks as we pass an ice cream parlor.

"Yeah that was hilarious. The casheir felt so bad that he gave you a new one for free." I say laughing.

A few minutes later, we pull up to the airport. We all get out and my parents are retrieving their bags from the trunk of the taxi.

When they finally get all their bags they turn to me. My mom and dad crush me in a hug and my mom says, "We're gonna miss you very much dear."
I sniffle. "Yeah, I'm gonna miss you too."

After we finish our goodbyes, my parents walk into the airport and I climb back into the taxi. Once I'm in, I take one last look at my parents and start sobbing.

The driver notices. He says nothing as he hands me a box of tissues. I thank him and he just nods. I think he deals with this kind of thing a lot.


After about thirty minutes, we pull up to my brothers apartment complex. I get out, grab my bags, pay the driver and walk over to where my brother is standing.

"Here let me take some of those bags. They look heavy." He says as he grabs a couple of my bags.

"No problem."

As we're walking through the door, I notice how messy his apartment is. I cringe. At least mom wasn't here to see this. She would have a fit.

Itsu shows me to my room. It's a nice room with a twin sized bed. It has a nice closet (not walk in), a vanity, and a balcony. I walk in shut the door and start unpacking. At least this room is clean.


After I finish unpacking one of my 4 suitcases, I hear a knock on the door. I was gonna let Itsu get the door, but then I remember, he's currently doing hero work. Sigh.

I open the door and am met with the face of a lovely, green haired woman.

"Hello. My name is Midoriya Inko."
"Hello Miss Midoriya."

She smiles. "I noticed you walking over here with a bunch of bags and was wondering if you're Istuki's younger sister?"

"I am. If you need to speak with him, I'm afraid he's at work right now."

She smiles again and says, "That's okay. I just wanted to stop by and say hi to our new neibor. That's all."

"Oh, thank you for such a warm welcome to the neiborhood."
"Do you mind if I ask how old you are?"
"I am fourteen almost 15 in August."
"I have a son that age!"

After a few more minutes of small talk, I was about to say goodbye and all that when she asks,
"Would you like to come over for dinner since your brother isn't at home?" She asks me.

"I would love to. Just let me change real quick and I'll be right over."
"Okay. I can't wait for you to meet my son." She giggles.

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