The Morning of the Sports Festival

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A/n my friend drew me this picture of Denki Kaminari. Isn't it awesome?


It's currently the morning of the Sports Festival. I woke up extra early today to go pick my parents up from the airport! I'm in the car with my brother driving to the airport. I'm just so excited to finally see my parents again for the first time in months!

When we pull up to the terminal we start looking for them. They gotta be around here somewhere. As I keep looking around, I eventually see their familiar faces.

"Mom! Dad! Over here!" I shout waving my arms. They look over and hurry over to where we are currently parked.

As soon as they get here I crush them in a big bear hug. Tears start running down my face. I missed them so much!

After we say hello we put their bags in the car and start driving to the school. As we're driving we talk and catch up. Mom says how she always gets nervous when Itsuki drives. After she says this, he decided to swerve as a joke. We all laugh, except for mom who actually looks scared.

Eventually we end up at the school and I get out and start walking to my class. I am a few minutes late but it's fine I'm sure they'll understand.

I walk up to the classroom door and hear a bunch of excited chatter. I open the door quietly and walk in. Despite my efforts as to not draw much attention to myself, the second the door closes the entire class turns to face me. My face goes red with embarrassment and quickly walk to my desk.

"Hey Y/n! Why were you late?" The black haired queen next to me asks.

"I went to pick my parents up from the airport for the sports festival. They live in America." I reply.

"That's cool that they came! Even though they live thousands of kilometers away!"

I smile at this and nod.


After I come to the class Aizawa told us to get into our gym uniforms and do anything we need to get ready.

Right now we are standing ready to be called onto the field. Eventually, Present Mic calls us out. He gives us a very unnecessary introduction.

After we run out we wait for Midnight to announce the first event. She calls Bakugou to step up to the stand to give a small speech.

"I pledge....that I'll win."


When he steps off the stage I smack his head and tsk. He just growls and walks away.

Midnight then says it's time to announce the first event. They spin some kinda wheel and when it lands Midnight announces that we'll be doing an obstical course race. That sounds interesting.

She then explains the rules as we line up to start. She explains that as long as we remain in the boundaries we can basically do anything we want.

"Ready! Set! Start!" She shouts and brings her whip down.

We all start running through the tunnel.


A/n kinda short I know. I just felt too lazy to write anything else.

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