Hero Names

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A/n thank you to those of you who actually voted for a hero name💖💖

Now let's go.

Y/n pov

It's now the next day at school. Right now we're all socializing with each other before Mr. Aizawa gets here. I'm currently talking to Momo when a certain topic comes up.

"Are you and Midoriya dating now?" She asks. Oh shoot. I don't man.

"Well, I don't really know. I don't think we are but I want to be." I reply.

She opens her mouth to say something else but the teacher walks in and starts class.

"Today you'll be picking you're hero names." Mr. Aizawa says lazily.

"THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!" Everybody, including me shouts.

"Normally you wouldn't have to worry about this till your second or third year but you guys are different. For pros to offer a first year an internship, they are investing in your future potential." He explains. "Here are the number of offers for each student."

He then pulls up a screen with names with numbers next to them. They were ordered from most offers to least. Todoroki had 4,123 offers while in second was Bakugou with 3556.

As scanned the list I noticed that Izuku ended up with no offers. I look at him with sympathy.

I then notice my name with 142 offers. Not a lot, but I also didn't make it to the last round thanks to a stuck up little-

"Despite the results, everybody will be interning with a pro. Even if they got no offers." He says while looking at a little broccoli boi.

He explains a few more things to us before saying, "These names might just be temporary. So take them seriously or-"

"Or you'll have hell to pay for it later!" Midnight shouts cutting off our teacher as she walks in. "The name you pick today could be your code name for life. You better pick carefully or you'll be stuck with something totally indecent!"

"For once she has a good point. Midnight is gonna have the final say for the names you pick." He says whilst zipping up his yellow cocoon.


Even after a few minutes I still hadn't come up with something.

"Who's ready to share?"

Wait! We have to share our names with the whole class?! I'm not ready!

"I'll go!" Sparkle boi Aoyama says.

He walks up to the front of the room with his board. He then flips it and dramatically puts his hand and face together.

"Hold your breath.... The shining hero: I can not stop twinkling! You can't deny my sparkle!" Really dude? Midnight liked this but told him to shorten it to 'Can't Stop Twinkling'.

"I'll go next!" Mina says running up to the front. "Alien Queen!" Midnight disapproves. Mina goes back to her seat to think of a new name.

Tsu steps up and presents her name. "I've had this name in mind since grade school. The rainy season hero: Froppy." Finally! A normal name! It's cute too.

"Kyaa! Too cute!" I shout and fake pass out.

"Red Riot!"

"Earphone Jack!"


"Shoto." Boring.

"Creati!" Cuteee.

"Lord Explosion Murder!" That's basically the same thing.


At this point everyone else has gone and I was finally able to come up with the perfect name.

I walk up to the front of the room. Board in hand. I take a deep breath and reveal my name.


"The Shadow Hero: Kurayami!"


"Very creative!"

"Love it!"

All these comments coming from my classmates.

"Very nice indeed. It's perfect for you!" Midnight approves.

I sigh a breath of relief. As I walk back to my seat I make eye contact with Izu and he gives me a thumbs up. I smile in response.

I sit down again. Now I have to look at my list of offers and pick an internship. As I scan the paper, I see the name of one of my favorite heroes. She's a powerful pro with an amazing quirk.

The Rabbit Hero: Mirko! Her quirk rabbit gives her a bunch of enhanced abilities and she's just overall awesome. She's strong-minded and doesn't go down easy. I'm definitely going with her!

By the end of class I have my sheet turned in and I start walking home with Izuku. When will he ask me out?


A/n ok this took a while to finally get out because SOME people wouldn't vote. Love you tho❤ but one of my friends told me i should use Kurayami so I did.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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