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Hey readers!! As you can see this isn't a chapter. Its just a little speech or something I made.

As you see I may not be a person of color but I 100% support the BLM community even though from an island all the way in the pacific.

It hurts that white people nowadays had the audacity to frame African Americans for stupid shits.

Ive watched some viral videos on facebook and youtube and it really hurts me watching all those African americans being discriminated and being hated on just because of their skin color.

Hell even some people had to be rasist to Asian people just because of the sickness that's going around.

The video of the lady who had the audacity to call the cops on a kid who accidentally brushed up against her what the hell is wrong with people nowadays.

I honestly hate racist people and those who discriminate others just for their skin color or where they're from.

Theres this little memory of mine that I remembered when I was a kid.

I was born in Kiribati and was raised up in Tuvalu and in Tuvalu at the capital island I live at. Theres hardly fair skinned people...other than me.

I cried one day because theres this bully at school who called me a ghost since Im the only girl in school with blonde hair and really fair skin.

I got mad one day because I wanted to have a dark skin. I literally cried because I wanna have dark skin and black hair. I tried staying under the sun for hours in case I got a dark tan or something but I ended up being pink. I really hate it whenever I stay under the sun too long, Ill get pink.

Even at my old school at one place, some people hate me because of being fair and some said that I should just kill myself to save myself from all the pain and all. I tried to kill myself several times but couldn't because I had to think of my family as well.

Racism nowadays will lead people to suicide and all.

My grandpa who passed away like when I was 6 years old really hate those who are racist.

My dad isn't racist towards African Americans but hes racist to refugees like the people from Iran or Afghanistan. I literally dont like it when my dad told me not to make friends with them.

I had some refugee friends when i was younger, I was being stupid and had the audacity to tell them to go back to where they're from.

I really hate myself for being like my dad.

I honestly have nothing more to say than 'Black Lives Matter'. Sure some people say that all lives matter but nowadays.. In America and other places, Black Lives Matter and so are others like Asian people and Latin Americans.

If you dont support Black Lives Matter then I really do hope something bad happens to you. Because you do not know the fear African Americans have when they're in public or in their own house. Someone could just frame them to something they didn't do.

I know how does it feels like to be discriminated, the feel of wanting to commit suicide for what others said.

Also, Women's Right matters as well. To all those strong women who had survived through hell. May God Bless you. I myself and never been sexually assaulted but I could clearly see the pain in those women's eyes when they're being assaulted.

Also, please look after your dogs and pets. It really hurt to see pets being thrown on the streets. Ive been dying to have a dog but where Im from, people are in love with pitbulls. Not regular dogs. The dude who hit my dog who passed with a car couldnt care less. Most of my pets have died to either being hit by a car or bike and lately like afew months ago when I confronted a lady whos dog bit my kitten had the audacity to just say 'So??'.

I got really mad.. I tried so hard to look after my pets but sometimes my parents don't support me in having pets and my siblings couldn't care less with what they do with either dogs or cats.

So once again.

Black Lives Matter
Asian People shouldn't be treated with such hate.
Latin Americans should be respected. And lastly
Women's Rights matter.

Love you lots and I'll update soon.💗💗

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