Chapter 6

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Hailey's Pov

"Mama" I gasped as I turn around to face little Crystal who's sitting on her high stool chair with her teddy bear in her hands.

I had found out that little Crystal is a half wolf. She's growing up fast. Faster than any human child. I mean, I even grew up fast but I aint no human. Annie has been with us for long now, she's been great. Her other uncles and aunts still visists her though. Wherever she goes, Jacob follows to keep her safe.

I then walk over to Crystal and kissed her cheeks with teary eyes. "Babe, why are you crying??" Sam asked as he walks inside the kitchen.

"She said her first word." He stops making his toast bread and then walks over to us. "Whats her first word??" He asked and I looks at Crystal who gave us a gummy smile. She only has two teeth there.

"Mama" she said with a giggle and clapped her hands. "Aww, but what about dada??" Sam asked Crystal while pouting but Crystal just gurgled at him.

Crystal has Sam's looks which means that ah got her mum's looks. In Sam's family, they all look quite the same.

Crystal grugled and giggled as she sees Seth. "Babe, hand him his imprint" Sam just grumbled and then gave Crystal a kiss on her cheek the hands him over to Seth who's happily jumping up and down.

Soon  rest of the boys then walked with their imprints along with Leah. Yerp lets just say that they're only having their patrols while playing games or so since the shield is still up. As long as Im here or alive, that shield remains there.

"Yummy!!" Jared said out loud as he sees his two dishes of his favourite dish. Chicken nuggets with rice and some sweet chilly sause.

Yerp, they just say whats their favourite dish and Ill make it appear.
"Nope" I smacked his hands and gave him a look. "Imprints and ladies first" I gave a wink at Kim, Leah, Rachal, Annie and Nicki, Embry's imprint who joined the pack afew days ago.

"Why must they always come first??" Embry asked. "Because we're ladies" Nicki said and kissed his cheek.

"Paul, put that chocolate cupcake right now or else you'll be doing your old patrol ways tomorrow." I said as I saw him trying to steal the cupcakes.

As they all eat, they all sit around the living room and then di whatever they want. Crystal is asleep on Seth's chest.

Well, heres afew more good news. My brothers came and visited saying that Xander is moving in with me coz he phased and also Xavier will be buying a hoise nearby.

Lets just say the moment when Xander and Leah's eyes met. They both imprinted on each other. As for Claire, lets just say that Quil imorinted on her and got the lecture from me and Sam. But hey! We did the Sam thing to Seth...

We made the spare room beside Crystal's room for Xander since hes going it be here any minute.

"Ahh right on que" I said as I opened the front door for Xander. "Well hello there my dear sweet sister!" He said out loud and then hugged me. "Candy, please don't hug me when you smell." I said as I hugged him back and we both laughed.

"There's my babe imprint!" He said teasingly as he sees Leah who just blushes. Seems like everyone in the pack has an imprint now, well except for Paul.

"Sis. I brought my best friend, she's just hanging out." I then saw a brunette who's the same height as Annie walking in. I can feel that she's shy.

"Guys this Sky, Sky these are my family." He said with excitement as he kiss Leah on the cheek.

"Ive heard some stuff about you" I said softly as I hug the petite girl. "Good things I suppose" Ooohh I love the accent, I love people from London and their accent. Its to die for.

"Well, my name's Hailey but everyone calls me Lilly. This is my husband Sam, our daughter Crystal, Seth, Jared, Kim, Jacob, Anna-lisse but we call her Annie, Quil and our niece Claire, Embry, Nicki, Leah and lastly there's Paul" I introduced everyone.

I then saw Sky and Paul's eyes meet. "Uhh ohh" I whispered.

'Paul imprinted!!'


'But hes the one who hates to have an imrpint!'

'She's too innocent for him'

'Ohh do shut up bro. He'll change.'

'Bro, does she know about the legends and how its real??'

'Yeah, she found out on accident'


'Hey!! It was on accident. I accidentally phase and she was just nearby. So I had to explain everything to her.'

I sigh out loud and just calmed myself. "Well, lets not just stand here. Everyone. Lets eat." Everyone then head to the dining table and sit down.

"So, how did you take the whole wolf thing??" I asked Sky as she starts to eat nervously.

"Umm, Im actually great about it. I mean, Ive heard the legends from your dad whenever me and Xander have a sleepover and I still remember them. I have always thought that they were real. Until the day I accidentally saw Xander change into a wolf. I sorta freaked out then calmed as he explained everything to me." She explained nervously.

"Well then" I paused then stood up and went over to her and hugged her. "Welcome to the pack" I said with a sift smile and then face Paul.

'Idiot! Tell her about being imprinted on.'

'What if she'll reject me??'

'Paul, she wont. You heard her. She's fascinated by our world. Tell her'

'Ok but-'

'No buts. After she finishes'

Afew moments later, Sky and Paul head out the door and the rest of us just cheered mentally at Paul.

Finally, now theres someone to calm his angry ass around here.

"Babe, little Crystal's asleep. Want me to run a bath??" I nodded and he skip off to our bathroom. Hmm, wonder why he's happy.

Afew minutes later, Sam told me the bath is ready so I walk off to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I shrieked as I saw Sam standing by the bathroom door, staring at me.

"Hey! I was enjoying the show!" He said with a pout as I covered myself up. "Babe, you said that you'll be keeping an eye on Crystal. Now youre here??" I just laughed and let the towel fall off my body and I got into the tub.

"Babe, if you dont go to Crystal. I swear to god, I'll put that shield down and make you do patrol all day and night" I threaten and he scoffed and went off.

After all that, I made dinner for the pack and their imprints, fed Baby Crystal and then made her sleep.

I got in bed with Sam and then fell off to sleep.

Ok!! So heres the snitch about the pack and their imprints.

Sam has Hailey/Lilly
Jared has Kim
Paul has Sky
Embry has Nicki
Jacob has Anna-lisse/Annie
Seth has Crystal
Leah has Xander
Xander has Leah
Quil has Claire.

That's all about the imprints of the pack.

You know where to type em down

I hope you guys like and sorry for my mistakes.

Love you lots😘❤💋

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