Chapter 22

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Hailey's Pov

Looks like the curse works. Bella's baby as I had seen, looks the exact same as Annie. Same eyes, same hair color and has a little birth mark on the side of her tummy and its small.

Bella's still asleep or more like changing and little Nessie is growing fast but not as fast as my babies. Jake is gonna be coming for dinner tonight, saying that he missed us. Well, we miss his ass as well.

Emmet and Rosalie are at my mum's kingdom since Rose is about to give birth soon. Wow, theres like a heck of babies around here.

Crystal is still a year old but looks like a 12 year old. Odd right?? Well, when she gained her fairy side, she was able to grow 10x faster than a wolf like Annie and Brian. She has my hair color and its just up to her waist.

"Crystal honey, you wanna help me cook dinner??" I asked her as I walled into her room and she's busy floating upside down while drawing something.

"Yes!! Mummy!! Please!! I wanna make some cookies." She said while pouting and gives me her puppy eyes.

"Honey, thats the point. I came here to ask you for help" I stated while chuckling. "Ok!!" She puts on her T-shirt and grabs her apron and then got down.

Sam is currently with the babies along with the other fathers or soon to be fathers like Vincent, Xander, Jasper and Carlisle while those who are still not dads yet are fixing up the table at the back of the house with my single brothers: Isaac, John and Francis. Brie is with us as well, saying she missed us.

Esme decided that little Nessie should be here with us instead of her dad, why?? Because she needs some time with her other uncles and aunts as well as us.

Us ladies: myself, Leah, Kim, Sky, Nicki, Alice, Esme and Brie plus my little Crystal are busy fixing dinner. Nessie is currently with the fathers as we speak.

"Aunty Alice!! Look!!" Crystal said as she shows Alice her heart shaped cookies that I helped her bake. "Boys!! Come help with the dishes!!" I shouted as I start making some salads.

After dinner, the Cullens and the Hales went off to their own houses as well as the rest of the pack. Jake was late saying he had some errands to run.

"Hey guys, Im so sorry that I didn't make it for dinner" I heard a familiar voice said as the person walks in. "What took ya so long??" I asked with a glare. Hes changed, hes been man-whoring around now.

"It was nothing. So... Where are the others??" He asked again with a smile. A fake smile if you might need to know. Ive read his mind, he was busy fucking son bimbo while his pack and others were having dinner and were needing him to come back.

"This isnt you Jake!" I saw the rest of the boys behind me. Hmm, howd they get there??. "Wheres the old Jake Mahn. What happened to you??!!" Embry yelled.

"Im having the fun of my life out there!! Why?? Because my fucking imprintee died because of me!! Also Im having the fun of my life while you assholes stick your asses to your imprints like bitches!! Now look at some of you like Xander or Paul!! Youre gonna be parents at this age!! That's so great!!" He yelled out and that's when I had enough.

The look on the boys mainly Xander and Paul hurts me alot. I walked over to Jake and punched him straight in the face and throw him out of the house.

"Youre so damn lucky that I care about you. Even after all those mistakes you made which affects the pack" I said venomously as I kicked him in the guts and he groan.

"What did the pack did when you told Isabella about them??!! What did we do when you were hurt?!! What did we do when you hurt Annie?? What did we do when Annie died?!! What did we do when you almost fucking kill yourself?!!! Huh?!! What did we do??!" I yelled as I grabbed his hair and made him look at me after several times punching him.

"We fucking forgave you!!! Youre suppose to be alpha of the pack as you shifted. But instead, you be the puppy of the group!! Get your head out of your ass Jake!! We've had enough problems here lately!! While youre out there fucking some random bitch!!" I yelled and then an unknown car pulled up.

"What the hell?!!" An unfamiliar feminine voice yelled. I looked into Jake's mind. Ohhh so this is the girl he was with..

"Jessie!! Get out of here!!" Jake yelled while groaning in pain. "What the hell bitch?!!" She's in a red dress that barely covers her body.

"Im calling the police!" She said and I grabbed her hand and crushed it. Im just tired of Jake and him being dramatic.

"You will forget Jacob Black and all those moments with him. Forget everything about him and if someone asked about your hand , say you accidentally fall" I compelled her and then she repeats what I said and then walked off. I compelled her for good, unlike how other vampires compelled.

I grabbed Jake and dragged him inside and straight to the basement and threw him on the ground.

"Just be happy that we will always forgive you in the end" I said to him as I locked the door.

"Babe, are you ok??" Sam asked and I just  nodded and walked off to our room amd sit on the bed.

"Whats wrong??" He asked with concern as he kneels in front of me. I sighed and then lay down, patting the side beside me indicating for him to lay down beside me and he did.

"Babe, youre scaring me. Whats wrong??" He asked again as he pulls me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me.

"Remember the day when Edward took Crystal??" He nodded. "I did something that'll make Edward hate Edward and Bella more." I sighed again.

"I put a curse of Edward's baby" I stated and his eyes went wide. "I know you'll probably hate me an-" he cuts me off by smashing his lips to mine and I kissed him back.

"I'll never hate you for something you did with a purpose, because I love you and our little babies." He stated as we pull away.

After explaining the curse, he understands why I did it. I do it because of what Edward did with Crystal and also to show Bella's true colours.

Right now, all we had to do is wait and see what happens when Jake and the baby looks into eachother's eyes.

thank you so much for all your reads and votes guys. means the world to me. hey!! i hope you guys like it though. 😀

lov3 you lots😘💋💓❤

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