Chapter 7

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Annie's Pov

It felt great to be here. Dad still visists me and I still visit him whenever Isabella isn't there. "Babe, come on lets go" I heard Jake called out and I rushed out while grabbing my phone. My outfit is on top(👆🏻) and well that's what Im wearing.

I heard that  Isabella went off with her vampire boyfriend to visit Reneè. I got a little bit worried but Lilly told me that she secretly puts a spell on Bella that'll make her not tell Reneè where I am.

They went there because apparently, a friend of Victoria's by the name of Riley Biers. Yerp, poor guy got toyed with and then now, his girlfriend is already dead thanks to Hailey.

Yesterday, the Cullens and the pack went out to hunt for the guy. Apparently he's just too fast for them and also Sam didn't want Hailey to be dragged into that.

Emmet as Paul said his name was fell on our land and got shocked because of the shield that Lilly put. He's in pretty well really bad shape. Got visible bruises all over his body because the shield was made by a siren/hybrid.

We both got at Lilly's house and then Sam came out. "Jake, you have to go and remind Bella's leech about the treaty. Do not think about Hailey's power or else. Wait. Babe?!" He called out and then Lilly came out, wearing a pair of black long pants with a off shoulder grey shirt that hugs her body perfectly, also her hair is loose.

"Yeah??" She asked Sam. "Can you go with them incase Edward and Jake causes a fight?? I know how much you enjoy killing vampires. Plus you could put a shield around your brains" She gave him a confused look. "So that he doesn't find out about your powers." , "Ohh ok. Lets get going" Me and Jacob then followed her to her car and then we head off to Forks High.

Jake and Hailey got out of the car and leaned against it. As for me, well Lilly made me stay inside in case she does something to Bella in case Bella brings a remark on me.

Ahhh! Speaking of the devil and she shall be here. Yerp, Edmund...Mahn I still cant remember his name. Its weird how Isabella finds it comfortable with them corpsicles. I mean, they're cold for goodness sake. And they're hungry for blood and Bella being around the one who's so into her blood isn't helping.

I then roll the window down and listened to their conversation.

"Im here to tell you, if your kind ever comes on our land again-" Bella then cits him off. "What?? Edward what is he talking about??" Ohh so that's his name Edmund...oops Edward.

"Let me guess, you lied to her to drag her out of town as well??" Lilly asked but more like stated.

"Paul and Emmet had a misunderstanding but Emmet got hurt." Edward said staring right at Lilly and Jake. "What?? Why is he hurt??" Uhh! Can she just shut up and listen.!

"Fell against something hard before Paul beheaded him. Emmet's in really bad shape" He explained. "Ooh so let me guess, you lied to her. Wow and I thought that my relationship with my girlfriend isn't as bad as yours" I snickered at what Jake said.

"You have a girlfriend??" Jake just nodded and I can sense that he has a smirk on his handsome face.

"Well, I guess that's all for us to say. We'll be heading home now" As she and Jake were about to get in the car.

"Wait! Theres alot of stuff for me to say. Hold on" She said as she grab Jake's hand. "Bella!" Edward whisper/yelled. "Just trust m-" , "Uhh, sorry honey but we didn't invite you over" Lilly said.

"Uhh, who are you again??" Bella asked. Ooh she doesn't say that. I mentally chuckled as I saw Edward wrap his arms around Bella protectively. "Oh, sorry. Hi, my name's Hailey Uley. The mother of the pack, wife of the Alpha. So I suggest you take your corpsicle back home and don't bother us." She said with a smile that made Bella's face turn from a frown to a scred look.

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