Chapter 20

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Skylar's POV

"You are so impatient Sky."

"We have been driving for hours, I have the right to be."

He takes a quick disapproving glance at me and turns his focus back on the road

"It has only been ten minutes, stop exaggerating." He laughs

I'm not exaggerating, this is the longest ten minutes of my life and Kendrick is driving super slow

"Okay fine, aren't we atleast close yet?"

"We are and in matter of fact, we are here."

He tells me as he turns into a huge open space on a mountain top

"This is what you wanted to show me?" I ask, my eyebrow arched

"Yeah, this is the murder site." He smiles, "look."

He points towards our front and the view is breathtaking. You can almost see the entire city from up here, the city lights are mesmerizing


We get out of the car, the rain has stopped and left behind that beautiful earthy smell. My favourite part

"I'm attractive aren't I?"  He teases

Yummy to the bone....

"Not you, you big idiot."

I push him lightly to the side. He laughs and pulls me into his side, putting his arm around my shoulder

Well okay then...

"You're so wet."

That's what he said....

"How do you know about this place?"

"I came here when I was very young, spent most of my nights here."

There's a hint of hurt in his eyes but it's gone just as quick as it came and his jaw is clenched

"Your parents must've been the coolest to allow you to sleep here. My mom would've never allowed me to spend more then 3 hours here at night."

He removes his arm from my shoulder and puts his hands in his pockets

"Yeah... this is the first time I have heard you speak about your mom, to think of it she wasn't with your dad at the ball. Are they separated?"

Hurts.... it hurts to talk about her, till today and she left us long ago

"Yeah, they're uh... seperated."

I say, trying my best to not break down and cry

"Do you still talk to her?"

"At times. I need to go visit her soon. Anyway enough about parents, why didn't you come to the diner with Ray and Seth?"

"They're annoying as fuck. It's always good to take a break off from them."

He grips my hand and pulls me towards a rock that he lays a small blanket on, I didn't even see him take it. We sit on it and look at the view from there all the while talking, laughing, just simply getting to know each other

"Give back my scrunchie."

I try to reach for it but he's way taller than I am

"You look better with that mop down."

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