Chapter 19

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Skylar's POV

My heart wants out of my ribcage and it wants out now!

"Hi my name is Galleria Brown, I'm a cleaner here. And who may you be?"

I introduce myself, voice and tone slightly changed to be more stern and flirtatious

"Ben, Ben Alfonso. It is a pleasure to meet such breathtaking beauty such as yourself."

He kisses the back of my hand and I'm just..... sigh

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing cleaning such a dreadful place? I'm sure i can offer you a much fitting position at my warehouse."

In your dreams you pervert

"I'm sure you didn't come here to steal my employees now did you Ben?"

Randy speaks for the first time since Ben entered the office

"Oh no no no, but I don't mind taking her off your hands."

He looks at me with lustful eyes, I mentally gag but all I could offer was a smile.

"Galleria, excuse us. We shall talk about your wages another time."

"Yes sir."

"Until next time my dear." Ben says

I wave at him with a big ol' smile plastered on my face and exit the office.

That. Was. So. Freaking. Close

I think he bought my act but I'm not also stupid enough to roam freely without watching my back. I don't know Ben, so it's best I have my eyes on the lookout

I make it back home and quickly change into my work uniform as I am already running late

"Dad let's go!" I scream as I struggle to put my shoes on

"I'm not the one that told you to go who knows where and come back late, so don't be yelling at me."

He speaks as he walks down the stairs carrying Giana in his arms

"You ain't even put your shoes on and you rushing me."

"I'm done, let's go."

"Teenagers these days. You better grow up to be the nice one amongst the two of you." He tells Giana who just giggles

We all pile into the car and drive to the diner. Lucky for me, I made it just in a nick of time but Astrid is not happy

"You were supposed to be here earlier to help set up."

Astrid crosses her arms as she stands infront of me and scolds me

"Yes, scold her tardy ass." My dad says as he walks up to us

"Paul, it's so nice to see you again. You hardly come by anymore."

I roll my eyes and go around back to get my apron and notepad

"Your dad is hot."

I slowly look up to a grinning Kelsey. Her statement however doesn't surprise me one bit. She just better not flirt with him because he will set her straight, my dad don't play like that

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