Chapter 31

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He entered the plush office and waited to sit. Kirwin still held office hours at night, especially when the Hunt wasn't active. With Gannon on his own hunt, the Horde was enjoying a vacation of sorts. When his father dismissed the last of his pages, he motioned to Gannon to sit in one of the nice leather chairs in front of his desk.

Gannon sat and waited for his father's full attention.

"What's happening tonight that bring you here so late?"

"I went with Turi to see to Tallis' safety after she failed to show up at her own party."

"You were worried about her?" Kirwin asked, a look of concern washing over his face.

"With my trials, I can't be certain how it will affect me and the people I care about."

"You care about this woman?"

"I wouldn't say that...she was a bug of a kid when we were younger, but she wasn't all bad. I just reconnected with her, and-"


"Not in the way you think. What I mean to say is I just went to see her for the first time in many years. We're to be joined in a very public ceremony, with many political interests on the line. I found it a little more than coincidental that she just disappeared right when all these things are happening to me. I felt responsible."

"I understand, I think. She's more than just another noble woman with interests in you. She's your friend's sister. Should something happen to her...I could see how you may feel responsible. How can I help tonight?"

"This is asking a lot, and I understand if you're unable to manage it..."

Kirwin raised his hand to stop Gannon. "If this is something I can do that you believe would endear this woman to you, then I will make arrangements to meet your needs. What can I do?"

"If you could join me for tea with her, mother, Turi and Lord would help a lot."

"Your mother?"

"The queen."

"Of course. What time should I meet you?"

"Just after noon would be great."

"I appreciate that you're trying. Truly, I do. I know this wasn't the best news to meet you with upon your return, but I think you've done well with it, considering."

"Thank you, father. I'll see you tomorrow at noon."

"How are you getting along otherwise?" Kirwin asked, motioning to the belt.

""Well, I suppose. I'm...learning things, quite a few things."

"You're bonding well with Orion?"

" far."

"Don't anger it. Remember your role in the Horde and you will continue to have success with it."

"Yes, father."

Gannon returned to his abode, darkened and quiet. Too tired from all the standing and waiting, and running about the palace, to change out of his uniform. If anything attacked him at least he had Orion on his hip.

Morning light filtered through his windows and he woke on his side staring at the teacup flower on the side table. Heiden had already been there and laid out his clothing for the day. The fragrance of breakfast filtered through the room, bacon and eggs – his favorite. This would be a difficult day, no matter what happened, and he could only hope that all meetings would go marginally well.

Gannon rushed back to the administrative offices to get ready for his impromptu tea service. This was his first, and most importantly, private event he'd ever hosted. The autumn weather had been nice enough to enjoy an evening outdoors, so he instructed the butler to arrange for the event in the garden. He spoke with the cook and arranged for her to make her very best finger sandwiches, cookies and pastries. He remembered the queen enjoyed lavender tea, and his father liked a spicy lion's mane blend. Cook promised to do her best to have a nice variety available to his guests.

Upon his return to his abode, he found the gardener set to cleaning up the outer grounds surrounding the garden, just in case there was debris.

Kirwin's head guard arrived in short order and arranged security for the small event. An avian mage was placed in the tree just above the garden. He wore very large, long robes and his brown and white feathers framed his face like a neat beard. He flung the robes over his broad shoulders, revealing plain black clothing and large yellow feet with striking talons. He crouched to the ground, flapped his massive wings once and lifted into the air all the way to the very top of the tree effortlessly.

Gannon knew he could trust these people. He'd never seen them miss even the smallest detail for any of the queen's events, and it was very well known that the queen threw the best social events. Never was there any hint of impropriety or less than sumptuous offerings. He rested for but a moment before he realized he would need to prepare clothing for the occasion.

He glanced at the closet and realized he needn't worry. Heiden had taken care of his needs. While at first he'd had only half a wardrobe, by even the most meager standards, now his groomsman had completed his wardrobe with the finest clothing and accessories Gannon could have wanted. It all paled in comparison to that first suit that Kirwin's man had made him, but Gannon could tell Heiden poured his heart and soul into this collection. It was all hand stitched and made of the finest materials. The shoes had been polished to a nice shine, all the metal buttons and findings were shining beneath the lamplight. He touched one of the folded sweaters and it was the softest material he'd ever felt. He took the black suit coat out of the closet and examined it.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to join me for some paddleball, but I see you getting ready for an event," he heard from behind the door.

He closed the door partially to find Dillion standing in his riding boots, paddle slung over his shoulder.

Gannon sighed, "I have to fix this immediately, Dill."

"It's not like it was your fault. Let Turi fix this."

"I can't. Everyone keeps reminding me of my reputation. I suppose if I were betrothed to a woman of questionable virtue I would need reassurances too, and I would seek them as publicly as she did yesterday."

"Falling on the sword, I see. Well, good luck, you'll need it. And wear the light gray suit. You're not going to a funerary rite." With that, he left.

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