Chapter 30

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"A little hard on her?"

"It's past time for her to grow up, Gannon. I don't like bartering her hand any more than she did, but as long as she's part of the nobility, she will be political stock. Decisions have been made with her best interest in mind and now she's gone and endangered our best attempts at seeing her future secure."

He took a long, deep breath and exhaled.

Gannon smiled. "I miss seeing you as the protective older brother." He patted Turi on the back and walked to the door.

"Is it okay if I arrange afternoon tea tomorrow? I feel like I something about this."

Turi walked to the door and put his arm around Gannon's shoulder to walk him out. "If you could please bring your father, I will have my uncle and perhaps we can settle this in private before it gets out of hand."

"I'll have to include the queen. I'm sure she feels personally slighted by Tallis' little show tonight. I promise to have my father talk to her. Make it all nice and business like."

"Of course." Turi escorted Gannon back to his abode.

Gannon wasn't just his friend or his brother in the Horde, he was his prince. Gannon was a royal and was deserving of respect. Turi's sister had just publicly embarrassed the prince. The least Turi could do was see to the safety of his prince on this late night stroll through the otherwise silent palace.

As they approached Gannon's abode, Turi stopped him with a hand motion. The men stopped and Turi sniffed the air, openly scenting the hallway. He looked at Gannon and they passed a message between them: there were women inside his quarters.

"How many?" Gannon asked silently, grinning. He could use the relaxation after so much tension over the last day.

Turi shot him a sideways look. "Really?" He asked silently.

Gannon opened the door, fearing no danger, to be met with with two beautiful, voluptuous ladies. He'd seen them before. In fact, he'd spent his first night back with them.

"Your brother sends his very best, my lord," they said in unison. They smiled and one of them licked her lips when she spied Turi through the door.

"You stand to lose a lot should you accept this gift. Certainly Padraig knows this..." Turi whispered from behind.

Gannon's shoulders slumped forward, defeated, and he stepped outside the door. Yes, Padraig knows, yet he still sent them.

Turi stepped inside. "Ladies," he began, "might I escort you to my quarters for a night of revelry?"

"Oh, but we were promised a night with the prince," one of them insisted.

"My most sincere apologies, ladies. The prince has had a most trying day. He's been heartbroken tonight, you see. His betrothed has foresaken her appointment with him, it's all he can do to keep a stiff upper lip right now. He's really in no position to handle all you have to offer. Me, however, well, I'm all yours for the taking, should you be interested."

Turi walked into the room and offered his arms to both ladies. They took his lead and joined him as he left Gannon's abode.

As they walked out, the ladies ran their hands over Turi's broad chest.

"Another night, my friend, when you're not so...emotional."

"Night." Gannon called after them.

Gannon spent no time resting on his laurels. He was right, the queen would need to appear for tea, if there was to be such an event. He hated official events. He hated attending them, and he especially hated asking the queen to do things for him. Still, it had to be done. He gathered his courage and marched through the palace to her private abode. The guards allowed him through, each of them with a smirk on their face. The story had begun to circulate through their ranks. It was downright embarrassing. He could have any woman he wanted - and had had them all - and here was a proper lady of the court turning him down. He was at her mercy. Or so they thought.

He reached the queen's quarters, the beautiful oak door, and tapped lightly. She hated loud, obnoxious sounds.

After a while, "Come," could be heard from behind the door.

He gently turned the knob to the room and pushed the door lightly. The large, heavy door opened and the heavy fragrance of lilac wafted through the darkened room.

He looked around the dark room and found her sitting at a large table, alone, with a crystal ball before her. She'd been scrying.

"Apologies for the interruption...mother." It was the proper thing to say to her, but it always felt wrong.

"Why are you here? Have you not done enough damage for one night?"

She blamed him as expected.

"I wish to set this right before it get's out of hand. I would like to invite you to tea tomorrow afternoon. I've spoken to Turi, Lord Turi, and he agrees that his sister owes House Lupuna and you, personally, apologies and explanation."

"You and your contractions. Your mother's influence...this family only spent a small fortune on your education, you imp. You could speak the land's language like you had more than rocks for brains, you know."

He bowed his head. After so many years, she still hated everything about him. Even the way he spoke. "Apologies."

"Whatever you plan, it must be a formal affair. I want that girl on her knees before the leader of our ruling noble house, do you understand me?" She spoke through clenched teeth and he could tell she was angrier than usual.

He simply nodded but kept his head bowed.

"The gazette is having a field day about the amount of money we spent from public funds just to introduce you two as a couple before the nobility. I must appear before your father's finance counsel in two day's time to explain how I plan to repay the public fund. Groveling, boy, I expect nothing less than groveling from her and that sniveling rat of an uncle of hers. Do I make myself clear?"


She waved her hand at him and he understood that to be his dismissal.

He left immediately, closing the door gently behind him, and went in search of his father. It was after hours, but he was certain he would be in his office. Gannon rounded the corner of the administrative wing and found the light to his office peeking out from under the door. He knocked lightly.

"Come." He heard from behind the door.

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