We're Going To Trial

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*A week later*

A week had passed and it was the day of the trial against your mother and her remaining goons for the break in that she planned. Once you got your suit on, you went downstairs and met with the girls who were all dressed and prepared for the trial.

Ruby: Ready to go win this thing?

You: We better. Just hope that new state law gets passed today.

Sarah: We can only hope. Now come on, we need to get to the courthouse.

All of you then left the kids with Whitney and all of you headed to the courthouse to begin the trial.


Once you and the girls all got through security check and were guided to where you were sitting, the jury and the witnesses came in. Suddenly, the door to the convict room opened and out walked the four remaining goons along with your mother and they sat with their lawyers when your lawyer, Jack, also walked in.

Jack: Hey Y/N.

You: Hi Jack. These are my wives, Dori, Gionna, and Sarah.

Jack: Nice to meet you all.

Liv: How does it look for us in this case?

Jack: The way that I can see this going is that it's in our favor. We have a bunch of crystal clear evidence  that'll put them all away for good.

Officer: Please rise for the honorable judge Marcus Peerson!

Everyone in the room, Including you and the girls all stood up when the judge stepped in and sat down in the chair behind his giant podium.

Judge Peerson: This court is now in session. Today we have the case of the family of Y/N Y/L/N against  Violet Y/L/N and four accomplices for the break in of their home. Proceed to the open Mr. Jack Lawson! *Hits Gavel*

Jack: You're honor, my clients have placed charges on this woman and her accomplices which include breaking and entering, attempted murder, attempted kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, and breaking the restraining order distance limit between one of my clients, Y/N Y/L/N here. My clients want to have a restraining order against our opponent, Violet Y/L/N and her remaining accomplices for the break in and attempted murders of Y/N and his new wives, along with more time in jail for our opponents after they attempted the kidnapping of all of their children.

Judge Peerson: May I have Y/N and Gionna Y/L/N take the stand together please?

You and Liv got up and made your way to the witness box and swore to tell the truth  before sitting down.

Judge: May you both explain what happened?

You: Yes you're honor. We were all sleeping when I suddenly heard a noise around 3 am and when I looked out the window and there was my mom with six other men who were all dressed in black and wore ski masks over their faces. I went to wake up Dori and Gionna while we did our best to hide our children and defend ourselves.

Liv: I was hiding in the closet with mine and Dori's children and Sarah was protecting her children from them in her house across the street from us. When Violet found our hiding space, she had pointed a gun to all of our heads and were about to execute us until Sarah and her dog saved us from being murdered. I know my husband said there were six other men, but two of them died from their injuries.

Judge: And you said that you've had some domestic violence history between you and your mother Y/N?

You: Yes. Ever since I was about six months old, her and my dad, who is deceased now, would hit me constantly for doing the littlest mistakes. She was out for revenge for when she was put in jail for attacking me with a knife when I was 14.

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