I Can't Believe She's Gone...

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*5 Days Later*

Kate had finished her last chemo and sadly didn't make it. Everyone had gathered around Kate's lifeless body as it looked like she was resting comfortably when the doctor placed the blanket over her. Christie then began sobbing when she threw herself into your arms and held on to you tightly as you hugged her tightly and felt tears rolling down your face. After saying goodbye to her, you felt your phone ring and went outside the room before you picked it up to hear Ruby's voice.

Ruby: Y/N?

You then couldn't hold it back anymore as you fell to the floor and began to sob into the phone.

Ruby: Y/N?

You: She's................... gone.....

Ruby didn't say anything as you kept sobbing when your eyes became bloodshot and red.

You: It.... was stage five stomach cancer...... she fought as hard as she could..... in the end.... she lost the battle...... I have no words....... I'm just so numb right now..............

You kept sobbing into the phone while Ruby just couldn't take it and began to cry herself.

Ruby: I'm sorry.........

You: .......... Me, Sarah, and Tara are all coming home tomorrow, but there's one thing that I need to do first...

You explained it to Ruby and talked for a bit before you hung up the phone and exited the hospital with everyone by your side.


You were all at the old foster home with the remaining kids living in the house when you took a big swig of beer while Vinnie and Christie did the same as everyone just sat there in silence in the kitchen until Sarah decided to break it.

Sarah: What's going to happen to the foster home now that she's gone?

Vinnie: No one knows... those kids obviously can't be here on their own.

Christie: And she had no family to take the residency.

Jessica then got an idea.

Jessica: Me and Vinnie can take the foster home. We were looking for a place to move into from our apartment.

Vinnie: Along with the kids living here already? Are you sure you wanna do that Jess? Even when I'm out on the road with Y/N, Sarah, and Christie?

Carly: She won't be alone. I'm more than willing to help her too. Me and Christie want to get some experience with kids.

Christie: Even though I'm going to be out on the road for most of the time?

Carly: I have Jessica to help me.

Vinnie: Where's the deed to the house?

You: I think I know where it is.

You got up from you seat and went over to a small chest in the living room and opened it to find a small box and brought it back to the kitchen area.

Sarah: Is this it?

You: Only one way to find out.

You opened the box and pulled out some papers and items that were left inside.

You: Kate had a will. She told all of us that we're mentioned in it.

Sarah: What does it say?

You picked up the will and read it a loud.

You: Section 13, "To my foster sons and foster daughter,  Y/N Y/L/N, Vincent Proctor and Christina Brake, I leave the foster home with the remaining children and a total of $30,000 to them and their future spouses."

Christie: That worked out then.

You: So we all own the foster home now? I may have to go over this with Dori and Gionna.

Sarah: We don't necessarily need to. Jessica and Carly can watch over everything and everyone here.

Jessica: Trust us Y/N, we can take care of it all. Besides, it's what Kate would've wanted for everyone here.... for us...

You: .............. Ok........

Carly: Then it's settled, we better let the kids here know what's going to happen.

You nodded and stood up from your seat as everyone else followed and you entered the giant living room where all the kids in the foster home waited and you grasped hands with Sarah and Tara before beginning to speak.

You: Yesterday...... we suffered a tragic loss to this home here. Kate Buchanan was a loving mother figure to not only just me, Vinnie, and Christie here, but to all of you amazing and intelligent young people here in this home. Of course, we're all still in the mourning process, but we need to remember her for the type of person she really was and that was as a loveable, caring, and a dedicated child care giver that helped out kids and teenagers in need of a safe place to live in due to by being either abandoned, abused, or even losing their biological parents and being brought here. This comes to show that cancer doesn't care about anything that happens to the person that has it and Kate had fought as hard as she could to beat this cancer, but in the end, it was the cancer that won. Kate may be gone, but she will never be forgotten.... ever. So today, we are announcing that Jessica Proctor and Carly Lattimore will be taking care of everyone here starting today. They will provide the same amount of food, shelter, and anything else that you young and intelligent kids and teenagers need just like how Kate did for each and everyone of you. So, let's keep this momentum going and remember and honor Kate for who she is, was, and always will be.... the best mother figure anyone could ask for.

All the kids and teenagers cheered and applauded for your words of wisdom when you looked at Sarah as she had a small grin on her face while everyone else applauded for you.

*The Next Day*

You, Sarah, and Tara had landed back in Las Vegas and exited of the plane and made your way to baggage claim and recieved your luggage before finding Liv, Ruby, and the rest of the kids when Ruby ran up and hugged you until she began to lightly cry.

You: I know....

Ruby: I can't believe she's gone.

You: All the kids at the foster home are in good hands though. Jessica and Carly are there right now, taking care of them.

You looked over to see Liv walk up as you hugged her too and she lightly cried too.

Liv (Whispering): Why does cancer have to be such a fucking bastard?

You: I know... she fought as hard as she could... come on... let's head home....

You and the girls grabbed all the suitcases and loaded them into the car before driving back home. Once arriving, you rolled the suitcases into the house while Tara followed and Sarah held Olivia's hand and Liv and Ruby each carried a twin into the house.

You: This week has been hell.....

Sarah: You're telling me....

Ruby: What's going to happen to the foster home?

You: Kate left the deed to the house for me, Vinnie, and Christie in her will, along with our future spouses, but Jessica and Carly are mainly going to be there to watch all the remaining children and teens there.

Liv: At least they're going to have someone to look after them. At least until they have to move out.

You: We'll have to see what happens....

You felt your phone buzz when you got a message from your music agent when you read the text.

You: Fuck....

Liv: What is it?

You: I've been nominated for two golden god awards..... and asked to perform with Alice Cooper along with presenting an award to him........

Ruby: What's wrong with that though?

You: ............... my ex plays guitar for him.....

Sarah: You don't mean?

You: Yes.......

Liv: Y/N? Who are you talking about?

You: My ex girlfriend................ Nita Strauss.........

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