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*3 Weeks Later*

You: Give them hell babe.

Ruby: Trust me, I will.

The royal rumble came around again and in the last few weeks, you have managed to beat all the members of Seth's faction as he did the same for yours and had a steel cage match set up for tonight. As for Ruby, she had a match against Nia Jax and Asuka when she walked out into the stadium and made her way to the ring where Nia and Asuka waited. Once Ruby arrived to the ring and she handed her title to the ref, the bell rang and the match began when Ruby and Asuka began wailing on Nia.


You were warming up for your match until you felt a hand on your shoulder when you turned to see someone familiar with blonde hair.

Charlotte: Hey Y/N.

You: Hey Char. Good to see you back after your surgery.

Charlotte: Thank you. Ruby seems to be taking care of Nia and Asuka out there.

You looked on the screen to see Ruby powerbomb Asuka into the announce table.

You: What can I say? Her, Gionna, and Sarah are the best things that ever happened to me. I may've had to calm her down a bit before tonight, but to be honest though, I'm kinda nervous about tonight.

Charlotte: Remember when we wrestled in NXT for that short amount of time together and we would always find ways to calm each other down before takeovers?

You: Yeah.

Charlotte: Just do what you've been doing for these last five years and you'll be just fine. Trust me, you've got it all right now, win or lose. You're gonna look great out there.

You looked on the screen again to see Ruby give the riott kick to Nia until she fell off the top rope and Ruby pinned her to win the match and retain the Raw Women's Title.

Charlotte: Good Luck Y/N.

You: Thanks Char.

You and Charlotte hugged until you and her kept holding on to each other as she looked into your eyes until you lightly pressed your lips on hers and held it for five seconds which caught her by surprise before you let go and whispered in her ear.

You (whispering): We'll invite you over sometime.

You winked at her and made your way to the guerrilla with the Universal Championship while Charlotte just smiled.

Charlotte: My god, he's such a tease.

When you arrived to the guerrilla, your lips met with Ruby's until you hugged her.

You: Good job out there.

Ruby: Thanks babe. Good luck out there.

You: It'll be a walk in the park. Easy Peasy.

Ruby kissed you again until you heard your theme play and you walked out with the Universal Title over your waist and took your time getting to the ring and you stepped inside the cage and waited for Seth. Once his theme began playing and he walked out, he began walking to the ring and stared at you while he too stepped inside the cage before you handed the belt to the ref and the match began when the bell rang and you and Seth locked up.


Ruby was looking at a few dog adoption sites for you and Ruby to adopt a new puppy to surprise Liv for the anniversary since the three of you got together. Ruby kept looking until a particular pup showed up on her screen.

Ruby: Perfect. Gionna's gonna flip when she sees her.

Ruby set up an appointment with the shelter and she continued to watch your match.

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