The Cracks are Starting to Show

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*Time Passes*

These last few weeks hadn't been good. Sarah and Liv had been fighting over on who should be married to who and you hadn't seen Sarah for almost a month and you and her hadn't talked about it. So far, the relationship was on the rocks at this point. Tonight was the Raw before Survivor Series where the matches had been set and Ruby was set to find the final member of team Raw for the women's Survivor Series match where she was doing a war of words segment with Rhea by her side against Christie and Shotzi.

Christie: Why can't you just stay down and give up Riott? You wanna say that Riott's not dead? To me.... Riott died after Summerslam and Night of Champions when you tapped out to the new face of the women's division.... TWICE!

Ruby smirked a bit when she put the mic up to her lips and spoke.

Ruby: Wrong Christie.... Riott is still not dead. In fact.... Riott has something you don't.......... which is...... a plan B....

Ruby dropped the mic until Ruby and Rhea got in fighting position until suddenly, Shotzi attacked Christie and Ruby attacked Rhea while the two kept hitting away outside the ring and got the upper hand on Christie and Rhea when Shotzi pushed them back in the ring and she held Christie first when Ruby used the riott kick on Christie until Shotzi pulled up Rhea as she looked into Ruby's evil like eyes and she used the riott kick on Rhea before Ruby picked up a mic.

Ruby: Ladies and gentlemen! The fifth member of team Raw........... SHOTZI BLACKHEART!

The crowd gave mixed reactions before Ruby and Shotzi walked to the back.


You were in a match against Drew Gulak and won the match when Erik and Ivar got in the ring and celebrated with you until the members of team Smackdown and NXT jumped into the ring and began to attack you and the viking raiders until Keith Lee and Daniel Bryan ran out to help you all due to them being on team Raw as well until all the teams had gotten into an all out brawl as the show ended and the cameras cut.


You walk out of your locker room to find Liv and Ruby. Over the last few months, Liv had been working out harder than usual and had developed six pack abs and had looked better than ever before as did Ruby while she too had developed a six pack.

Liv: Ready to go Y/N?

You: Yeah. The kids are waiting for us.

Liv: I'll go get the car ready.

Liv went to the car while Ruby stayed behind with you to make sure everything was packed until she spoke to you.

Ruby: Any word from Sarah lately?

You: She's been really quiet about.... well everything. The only times I ever go over there is to see Tara and Kaitlyn or even.... well....

Ruby: Fuck her when she wants it?

You: Yeah.... that.... Even though it only happened twice. I just wish there was a way for us to all be married.... but of course that's illegal.

Ruby walked over and kissed you.

Ruby: You know how that goes though. Of course you can't divorce Gionna because that's just not fair.... but there is a way for you to be married to both Gionna and Sarah.

You: How?

Ruby pulled you and Liv in closer to hear what she had in mind.

Ruby: I know that in Utah that the marriage laws are different there. They allow polygamist marriages to happen even though that is still shunned upon in other places, but I know a priest that can do it.

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