Stopping and Pain

Start from the beginning

His mouth on mine continues to move, our soft lips brushing against each other as moans echo between our mouths. My hands come and wrap themselves around his neck, holding him closer to me as his sexual energy rises and fills me slowly, the feeling of him making me slightly high, loving the way it feels inside me as his body rubs against me.

As our lips move together, I open my mouth and allow his slick wet muscles to glide inside, going to stroke along mine.

The taste of him is sweet and string, pulling me further into the bond that ties us together and always had me coming back to this fucking idiot no matter how many times he fucks up or pisses me off.

Regardless of feelings that come and go, our bond, as it turns out is here to stay.

Those thoughts running through my head make me pull Elliot in closer and open my legs a little wider to allow his hips to settle in between my thighs. My soft loans are pouring from me and he gulps them up as his tongue continues to fuck my mouth. Though the kiss is a little sloppy, it's also hot as fuck and I can't help but imagine how it would feel like if he ate me out like this every night before bed.


One fantasy at a time.

Our mouth continue to move together and I feel his hands move down to grip my side making me arch slightly into him, loving all the physical love I'm receiving tonight.

I feel his hand move until it grips my ass and it makes me moan, my hips flying up until my cock runs against his and my second moan is louder and deeper as a whole bunch of stimulation begins to hit me.

I expect for his wandering hands to be done but to my surprise, his hand moves around front and he cups my dick on the outside of my boxers. While we've done a lot of touches, he has never ever ever touched my dick, only my ass. And yet here he is, his grip getting tighter on me and it's all I can do not to lay limp on the bed and allow him to do with my body what he pleases.

Though it's a little out of character, I decide to let him be, knowing drinking can always make someone a little hornier.

But then he's reaching for the top of my boxers. And though I want this, not just the sec but this commitment and trust from him, this is not how I want it. He's drunk, he's been stumbling, he's not himself. I don't want to take advantage of him. I don't want a drunken Elliot that probably doesn't realize what he's doing to wake up in the morning and regret it all and leave me. I can't let it happen.

So even though it hurts, I push his hand away from my now aching dick, tears coming to my eyes. His lips pause on mine but he tries to put his hand back making me pull away from his mouth when he doesn't get the message.

"Stop, Elliot." I whisper to him, my voice thick form the frustrated tears that are threatening to come over me.

He frowns in confusion. "You don't want this?" He asks me and my heart breaks when I finally hear the slur in his words making he sting of my tears hurt that much more and I smile sadly at him as I shake my head.

"No. It's late. Let's go to sleep okay? Maybe we can continue tomorrow." I offer him even as I know it's a lie.

His frown leaves his face at the mention of sleep and he nods his head before itching his lips to my forehead and giving me a soft kiss. "As you wish." He tells me with a drunken flourish and I love to the side as he flips down in bed and gives me a lazy smile. And in second flat he's snoring away.

Unable to stay in the room for another second I stand up and walk out, closing the door behind me as I grab some sweats and hoodies from the dryer along with some socks.

Keeping the door unlocked, I make my way outside and down the stairs until I'm standing there in the middle of the street with tears streaking down my face and white hot burning anger coursing through me.

Angry at myself for ending up in such a stupid fucking situation. Angry at Elliot fir trying so hard but not heard enough and making me fall in love with him when he doesn't even know what he wants, sober or drunk. But most of fucking all, I'm angry at the bitch in the fucking clouds that made a straight male human and spat in my face by adding a girlfriend whose relationship status I don't even fucking know anymore.

And with this anger in my chest heart and soul, I tilt my head to the clouds and cream as loud as I can, not giving a duck who hears me, hoping someone does so they can hear the pain in my voice.

"Fuck you!" I yell to the heavens and the stairs and of course I get no answer in return as I stand there with snot and tears running down my face.

I stand outside for a good twenty minutes thinking about life and the lack of it within me before I turn around like nothing happened. I walk back upstairs to my apartment and walk into the door, locking it behind me this time. Once I'm sure the apartment is secure, I make my way back to my room where I see Elliot splayed out on the bed. Unable to take the thought of him holding me close when I'm not okay makes me want to breakdown.

Not ready for those emotions, I close the door back before heading to the couch and laying down, pulling the throw blanket across my body as I lay there and stare up at the ceiling.

Fuck you.

Damn this shit kind of hurtled me though. Do you guys think Elliot is going to remember? How do you think this will change the relationship between them?



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