The Older, The Better.

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Nakmor Drack X Ryder

after being confronted by Kesh concerning Drack's health, i found myself becoming increasingly worried for the krogan battlemaster, and with a growing need for reassurance, it felt too personal to confront him about.


"Ryder!" the mirthy yellow-clad krogan growls, as i near the bar, "whatcha say to sharing a drink, kid?"

 "Yeah, you know what, I've had a long day, i'd say i deserve a little taste of what kadara's sleaziest bar has to offer." Replying with a smile, i wave the bartender over, pointing down in front of me, "Strongest thing ya got." 

The lady offers me a wide eyed, doe caught in the headlights look before glancing over to drack. "Hrmph, Don't look at me, if she says she can drink it she can."  he shakes his head, leaning over the bar slightly,  before pointing at the space in front of him as well, "Anyway, I invited ya here to talk."

Nearly falling off of my stool, i give him an incredulous stare, "You- a krogan- talk?" i laughed a little bit thing i had misheard him; yet when he falls silent, i release this is no jest, "Alright Ol' Man lay it on me, i can take it."

"Heh." he chuckles as our drinks are served to us, golden eyes suddenly turned to the window just past the bar, "Look- you okay? -I mean-" he clears his throat, shaking his head once more before taking a big gulp of his drink. 

I wait for him to finish, glancing over with concern, this was completely out of both of our comfort zones by miles. "I noticed you've been avoiding me. Skippin' dinner, not even stopping by the galley to say hello." he finally breaks gaze of the window, staring down into his cup intently. 

"Oh, Drack," I finally take a drink, releasing a ragged cough as the foul liquor nearly killed the nerves in my throat, "Good stuff," i croak, looking down into my cup once more.

"Stop avoiding the topic." 

Needless to say, the tone of his voice caught me off-guard, so sudden, so serious. My eyes wander to his side, as my mind speculates on just how much of him is made of machine, "I..I've just been worried about you is all. Kesh enlightened me on the, uh, situation." He groans in response, slamming his head onto the bar.

"I'm tired of everyone acting like i'm going to fall apart-" 

"-But you kind of are-"

"Test me Sera." he swings his legs around, facing me fully on the bar stool; rocky colored eyes staring me down with laser focus, "I can take anyone and anything here down!" He boasts loudly, drawing attention from several shady characters. I wave to the bartender once again, requesting a few bottles to take on the go. 

Drinking the last swallow out of my cup, I shake my head, coughing again; as drack harrumphs and mutters something under his breath about 'hormonal females'.

"I just don't know where I'd be without you-" i blurted without a second thought, damn my impulsive nature, "-Ugh that sounded stupid, sorry." i rectified my previous statement, attempting to salvage the situation. 

"It's not stupid," he mumbles, shoving the empty cylinder away from him, "Let's get out of here." his sudden change of nerve is astounding, as he slumps off the stool, dragging me along behind him.

"I'll pay my tab next time!" 


Using jump-jets, drack lead me up to the tallest point in kadara, just as the sun began to sink into the red horizon; if i didn't know better i'd say the old man was going soft, romantic even. Then again, it's always been hard for me to read krogan. 

"I know I'm not the best at, well, romance and crap. But i don't want you to worry about me, you've got enough riding on you sera." he slumps down against a wall, bottle in hand, eyes gathering that same distant look in them as earlier. 

"No pun intended, right?" i reply, sitting next to him with a small smile.

"Heh." lifting his free arm, drack drags me into his embrace, flashing me a toothy grin to accompany his throaty chuckle.

As i shift into his chest with a bottle of my own, i feel the need to say something, but nothing comes to mind; watching the sunset, caught up in the moment with someone i love and respect greatly. for the first time in my life, being speechless kind of made sense. Kind of.

"Just don't worry about me, okay?" he says softly, barely a tone above a raspy whisper, as a clawed hand caresses the back of my head.

After thinking for a few minutes, i shrug loosely, "Maybe I wouldn't worry so much if we slept in the same bed." trying to play it off as i joke, i rose my weak little defense against feelings and gods be damned he saw right through it. 

"Ha! I'd squash you in that bed before morning." he growls with a deep laugh, taking a long swig from the ryncol bottle.

"Oh?"  I muse, absently running my fingers along the tendons in his arm, "Is that a promise big guy?" 

Barking with laughter, drack discards his bottle in favor of embracing me fully, "Hell yeah it is." he nuzzles my neck tenderly, drawing a sigh from my lips. "You know, that's why I liked you in the first place. You always know what to say." 

"You know why I liked you?" smiling sweetly, i run my fingers along his chest, memorizing the texture  of his casual wear.

Shaking his head slowly, almost as if in defeat, he holds me a little closer, dropping his gaze momentarily.

"hey," ghosting my fingers along the leathery hide of his cheek, i speak fondly, "I like you because you're going my speed. You're the smartest, strongest, and lovable man i've ever had the privilege of knowing.  and before you lecture me about the 'you're smart' comment, let me tell you something mister. You'r-"

Cutting me off, he leans his forehead against mine, eyes closed.

As the last rays of daylight pierce the skies, we finally slide over, laying on the roof of some building, cuddled up like two teenagers. Albeit drunk teenagers. Bottles of booze long forgotten,  we slowly wasted time away, just enjoying the comfort, the feeling of being pressed against one another, of being alive.

Hope you enjoyed it :)

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