I Miss You

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It was the beginning of a galactic crisis; the reapers were sweeping across the milky way with a staggering amount of efficiency. It was a...stressful time for us all it seemed. The council couldnt spare the time, whilst its members scrambled to save their own homeworlds; thought it was inconvenient, I could understand their negligence of the other races. But what was I to do?

Saving the Turian Primark had gone just as well as the rest of this shenanigan had; a new primark was named. The only problem was, the man was out on the frontlines and had to be extracted as well.

Now here he stood, Adrian Victus, pleading to me for krogan boots on turian soil.

"You're asking me to repair a 600 year old grudge, not just between turians and the krogan- because you know the salarians are just going to love this!" I growled, feeling my eye begin to twitch wildly, "Political bullshit."

"While bullshit, we still have to play by the rules Shepard," the primark went slack, mandibles hanging loose about his jaw in a sad, droopy way, "Please. This is the only way, you're the only person who can do it."

With a sigh, I scuffed my bott against the floor, "Fine, fine. I'll give it a shot, but if someone close to me dies, I swear I'll rain hell." Victus snorted, "Hell, I tell you." I repeated, crossing my arms, shifting my weight back.

"Oh Jane, just except you've gone soft." Garrus' voice came from the war room, as I stomped my way into the doorway.

"Who asked you?" I spat, grinding my teeth.

"C'mon Jane," he said, gaze meeting mine before offering me a shrug. "Yeah, okay, whatever, alright? I love you, stupid."

(To be clear their love is purely platonic in this one shot)

"I love you too, now if you'll excuse me," I cracked my neck before turning for the door, "I gotta go call an old friend."

And with that, I walked off, heading towards the elevator. My blood splattered armor stuck to me in some places, reeking awfully, as I pressed the up button on the elevator.


After a hot shower, and a quick wardrobe raid, I found a gift given to me by wrex- one of his soft undershirts, with his scent still vaguely lingering- it was my prized possession. The last little bit of a time I miss, a time before. Before Cerberus, before The Reapers. Images flew about my mind as I equipped the oddly shaped garment.

Just after the laboratory incident on Surkesh, things were heated between the krogan battle master and myself.

"Gah. You dont know what you're talking about Shepard." He muttered, more or less furious; more so sad, in a grieving way. Like he was mourning the death of his whole civilization.

"Wrex, you saw those krogan," he turned his back to me as I spoke, "Tank Bred for makers sake!" I placed a hand on his armored shoulder, tender yet directing.

"I just want my people to live again, Jane," he turned around, and like a rip cord pulled until it snaps, his voice lowered and his head hung. There it was, no more anger to mask it. No more delusions; it was out in the open. Sadness.

Huffing, I lightly head butted him, "They will Wrex, I Promise."

If he were human, he would've rolled his eyes, "How can you promise me that?"

"Wrex, I-"

The words I'd been dying to say came spewing forth, like a fountain of neverending poetry.

"I'd capture all the stars in the galaxy for you." I sighed, taking his gloved hands, "it's no secret that we're interested in one another, so I can tell you how. Anything I promise to you, I'll keep it wrex," I unlatched the seals on his red armor, pulling his gloves off one at a time.

"Anything?" His voice echoed mine, crimson eyes focused upon me.

I laughed very softly, "Anything. Even if it kills me."

He usual scornful frown melted away as he lifted his clawed hand; caressing my cheek gently, a smile barely turned the corner of his cheek.

"You are a remarkable woman,"

A shiver raced along my spine as I opened my omni tool, and typed in wrex's contact information, given to me by Liara.

Waiting anxiously as the call connected, I blushed suddenly, realizing that out of my excitement, I hadn't even brushed my hair yet.

I sighed throwing my insecurities to the wind, after all, he had seen worse from me.

Suddenly the line picked up, "Jane? Is that you?" He bellowed, appearing as a shimmery hologram.

He looked happy to see me.

"Yeah, it's me Wrex." I smiled at him, familiar feelings flooded throughout my entire being; my chest tightened, and my toes curled,

"I miss you," I blurted without thinking, I felt myself grow redder in emotion

"I know princess, I miss you too."

The words hit me right in the heart.
The Normandy was on fire, people were barely able to evacuate.

I rushed to extinguish the fire as best I could before dashing for the stairs; joker, the stubborn fool.

"Jane! Jane, is that you?!" Wrex shouted from behind me.

"Wrex?! What the hell, I told you to evac, get out of here!" I continued my way to the stairs until a nearby capacitor erupted; knocking me back, and engulfing the staircase in flames.

As I laid there, wind knocked out of me, I had one of those moments where months flash before your eyes and you reevaluate your life.

"Fuck, Jane, please," he kneeled over me, taking me into his arms; its was almost the fastest I'd ever seen him move.

I stood, leaning against him, "I'm alright, let's keep moving," I said with a violent hack.

Rushing up the stable side, the bridge was a firey mess; pieces of hull were everywhere, and the top of the ship was actually missing.

I looked up at the planet before us, wide and looming; the pale ghost of our impending doom.

"Jane," wrex called out to me,and I felt his grip on my arm. He spun me around to face him, holding me flush against him, amidst the chaos and flame, and the vacuum of space; peering through my visor, his projected voice echoed, "in case- we dont see each other again. I love you Jane, be my princess forever."

Tears welled up in my eyes, "Oh wrex, we're headed for Ta'chanka now, ETA 5 hours. When I get there will you hold me?" I felt like I was sixteen again, out on the streets, young and in love, and pouty.

"I'll cuddle the fuck outta ya," he said, familiar glint in his eyes, "as much time as you want to spend with me is yours."

I smiled, fondly tracing the scars on his facial plates, "Will you fall asleep with me tonight?"

His expression softened further, "of course princess, I'll be right here."

"Damn I miss you."

I hope it was what you wanted, I'm not very good at cute I guess lol.
I tried 🤷‍♀️

Mass effect - One Shots, Lemons and ShortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora