Oh, Wicked Creature

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Saren x FemShep Pregame AU

His eyes call to me from across the room, deep, resounding blue eyes that spear right through your very being. They scream over everything, much louder than the music in this club could ever be. Like beacons amidst the stark vast blackness of space, they draw me into his mysterious visage, a sense of destiny seemed to practically swim around him. 

Wearing a black cloak drawn over the top of his fringe, the man dripped with intrigue; he lingered at the bar like a looming shadow, eyes piercing the bottom of his shot glass.

It was my nature to seek out the most dangerous person in the room I suppose; i approach him without a second thought or a doubt in my mind. Gathering enough courage to sit down next to him was a different story though, almost entirely.

"Mind if I buy you a drink?" i offer rather boldly, slapping a few credits down on the bar. Shaking his head, he offering me a warning side-glance before returning to his dwelling. "Aw, cmon." I jibe, hesitantly ordering my own drink, "Scotch or Rum." 

"Leave me be human, i have nothing to say to one of your kind." he spits angrily, not even giving me the time of day.

"Well, I guess that's earned," shrugging, i swiftly take my cup from the bartender, "But I'm not just your run-of-the-mill human." 

As I throw my head back to gulp down my rum, the turian casts his head into his hands, groaning aloud, "Fine, but I'm not sure I should even drink anymore."   

Letting loose a hardy laugh, I wave the barkeep over, ushering him to give my turian friend another drink of whatever he ordered last. The salarian advances hesitantly, prompting my friend to ease back, so that he may pour his drink properly.

"So, why are you- a very respectable looking turian- here, drinking yourself into a rotten stupor?" Crossing my legs neatly, i turn my body more towards him; my dress seems to ride up a tiny bit, hugging the curve of my thigh rather uncomfortably. 

"I don't believe that's any of your business," he scoffs coldly, mandibles flicking erratically in frustration, "but if you must pry-" 

suddenly he turns to the side, and i hear an angry voice call out to him from across the bar, "Arterius!" a tall and bulking krogan begins to march over to us.

picking my glass up and throwing it back, i wipe my mouth with the back of my hand while slamming the glass down, "Finally, something interesting." i say, slipping off the bar stool just in time to intercept my new acquaintance's attacker, "Now, Now big guy. You don't want to do anything you're gonna regret." 

The atmosphere in the bar becomes increasingly quiet as people catch on to what's about to go down, they all gawk at me nervously as if i'd just stepped 

Looking down at me, obviously in a blind rage already, the krogan snarls, "Puny human, out of my-" I slam my forehead into his, head butting him hard enough to knock his ass to the ground.

"I tried to warn you bud."

Gasps soubd around me as the krogan scrambles to get to his feet; i stand my ground above him, eyes bearing down upon him like thousands of daggers. As he drags himself away in a humiliated shanty, i turn back towards the bar, hair a wild mess, with blood running down my forehead, "as you were saying?"

With a loud bark of laugher, and a suprised expression, he eyes me curiously, "Maybe you aren't like other humans."

"Ha! Knew you'd come around, the name's Jane, jane shepard." I reply, returning to my seat at the counter, politely accepting a damp rag from the bartender.

"Saren Arterius."

Working the blood out of my hair, I begin to smile, "another drink please, and saren, huh? What an,  Intellectually appealing name."
As the night wore on, we inched closer together on the bar stools, and shoulder to shoulder he told me about how his eldest brother had been killed in the most recent war over relay 314.

In turn I told him the story of how I got thresher acid scars on my face.

Soon the night waned, and my new found companion and i found ourselves too smashed to operate any kind of machinery (seriously not even an omni tool); the bartender so kindly offered to call us a cab.
I sway slightly as we are lead to the boarding area, being tugged along carefully by a surprisingly strong salarian; turning back, I made sure saren hadn't wondered off or left.

"Now do you remember your address?" The frog eyed sweet heart inquired diligently, gesturing to both of us.

"Uhhhh, I don't have an address." I said in a daze, remembering that I lived on board the normandy.

"You do tonight." Saren says, icey blue eyes trailing along the slope of my neck.

As he provided the info to our showfer, I shuddered with a nameless emotion brought on by his heavy stare. He soon turns back to me, grappling my wrist and helping me get down into the "space" car; he climbed in as well before the bartender waved to us both as the cockpit slowly closed.

The was not a lengthy trip, however i nearly fell asleep nonetheless; but it was soon that i was being wraught out of the passengers seat by a pair of strong, yet spindly, arms, "saren?"

"Shhh my lovely. Time to rest, I'll get you in the morning, when you're clear minded." The statement melted my weary, frozen heart, as I allowed him to proceed with his doings.

Carrying me to his bed after entering a few automatic doors, he laid me down on the edge of the bed to untie my combat boots; though my vision was blurred and almost hazey, I watched as he pulled them off for me.

Wrenching the shoes from his own feet, he nudges me, prompting me to move to the middle of the bed. I laid on my side, watching his every hypnotic move as he pulled the comforters out from under my rear.

To my delight, he climbs into the bed and pulls me close to him, my back pressed comfortably into his keel, our legs a tangled mess.


There will definitely be a part 2
BCD ❤❤
Just wanted to say thank you for the requests and support. I promise I'm working on them, things are just a bit slow sometimes, yes?

Mass effect - One Shots, Lemons and ShortsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz