Do it Better

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Nihlus Kryik x Fem!

I didn't quite like this idea of Nihlus pushing ahead alone. Yet here I was, at the stairs of a spaceport, drenched in husk chunks and geth lubricant; blasting the hell out of anything that moved.

Racing up the stairs of a vacant spaceport, a few shots flattened against the purple-blue swirl of my barrier, before I put a slug into the attackers optic.

Standing infront of me, about two meters stood an unfamiliar male turian, with pale white plates, covered in odd looking tubes and synthetic implants; he stood behind nihlus, who foolishly had his back turned. The pale turian raised his pistol to the back of Nihlus' head while menacingly saying, "I've got everything under control."

"Nihlus, look out!" I hissed, charging towards them both.

A single shot rang out, and the stranger disappeared in a flash; leaving nihlus, laying in a small puddle of his own navy blood. His mandible was torn at the side, leaving behind only a small bit against his cheek; however the blood made it hard to tell just how serious the wound was. I suppressed a sob, approaching the creature, whom was unconscious, but alive. The weakening pulse in his wrist said he wouldn't last much longer, not with a gushing head wound.

"Joker, Joker! Come in!" I hissed into my omni tool, my eyes flickering to the man laying before me, "Damn it!" I growled tugging my undershirt out from under my armor, ripping the white material easily. I clamped the rag onto his wound, unsure what to do other than apply pressure to prevent blood loss.

As Kaidan and Ashely came bounding up the steps, Nihlus's green eyes opened slightly, looking up at me.

"Shepard," his voice was hoarse, as he winced, "what-"

"Shhh- Nihlus you have to be quiet okay? I'll explain later, you've been shot and you're loosing a lot of blood-" I trembled slightly, but held my resolve; field injuries were never pleasant, "I'm trying to get an emergency evac, I repeat emergency Evac ASAP!" I barked at my omni tool but it was futile, that flagship was scrabbling most communications.

"The beacon," he croaked, and grappled at my arm, eyes locking with mine once more.

Sighing, I shook my head, "I know, just, dont die on me, I'm coming back for you." I waved Alenko over, showing him the blotted cloth, "here, this is all the medigel I have, keep him alive. We'll be back."

"Aye aye, commander." Kaidan took the medigel and went straight to work.

"Alright Ash, let's go kick some ass." I cocked my shotgun, rearing back, before charging towards the tramway.

*time skip

The last of the geth fell; splattering the concrete with a plethora of greasy white oil.

Ashely approached the beacon, which lit up, ominously glowing a faint teal. Suddenly it made a loud sound, and some sort of force engaged; pulling Williams toward it. "Damn it Ash, what the hell?!"

Grabbing her around the hips, I pulled her back and away from the vibrating artifact; the artifact released her, sending her tumbling across floor, and the worst imaginable happened. The beacon pulled me into its wavy green embrace, lifting my feet from the ground to hold me high, the only choice was to stare off into the green light.

"Commander!" Ashley's muffled voice came from below but soon washed away in ribbons of distortion, caused by whatever the prothean machine had begun to do to me.


"Sia'ira rihla virul'en Vas, dir Reapers!" A voice blurted, sounding far away, distorted, "Seha omen eas dir Reapers!"

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