You did..what now?

670 8 3

Fem!shep X Mordin

Aria was such a lovely hostess, as I spent most of my shore leave laying beside her; after all, she kept the drinks flowing, kept the dancers around- my kind of atmosphere.

Although at this particular moment, my head swimming, eyes dry, I'm wondering if this is the place I should really be. Things had become increasingly sour as of late, I grew more and more alone as the months passed by- and it was obviously having a profound effect on my mental state.

"Wake up shepard." Aria barks at me, her blue eyes ever consuming, looking for my weakness, "what's got you so moody? You're not usually this, well, drunk." She uncrosses her legs.

My eyes focus back and forth as I grit my teeth- oh what's the harm.

"I'm lonely- lonely as a krogan with deformed testicles." I sigh, rubbing my eyes-

"-that's oddly specific-"

"Why couldn't he have just used me up? He didn't have to say no damn it, even a little would've worked." I carry on, head lolling to the side as I eye her azure skin.

"Oh boo hoo. Somebody turned the great commander Shepard down. That explains a lot, who's dumbass was it?" Aria talks with her hands, gesturing to me at the end of the sentence.

"It wasn't a dumbass- he's a genius and he's too good for me." I recline further into the couch biting my sleeve to hold back the emotions coming up in my chest, "Mordin, we could've made a powerful couple..." I mewl deliriously, as if I were speaking to the very phantom that haunted me.

My companion erupts into laughter, her eyes less sharp now, "oh that fool?" She inches closer to me, sly smile against her lips, " that's probably because the last engagement he had was rather traumatic for him."

Gasping i rocketed forward, "No way."

"Yea, I pulled a gun on him after, probably fucked with his head or somethin'." She explained the story with little detail, something about loose ends, fighting.

One thing ran through my mind, "-do you think I could talk him into it?" I interrupted her monologue, meeting her gaze.

"Maybe, wasn't that hard for me." She shrugs, "appeal to his apathy, that my advice to you. Now get the hell out of here, stinking up my club with your drunkenness." Shooing me aria seems to be emotionally offset in this moment, but she didn't have to say her peace twice.

*shepard decides to go to her cabin and sleep off her inebriation, yet later that night, Shepard is woken up my night terrors, so she decides to take a stroll down to see a certain salarian scientist*

"......Mordin?" I squeak shyly through the door, second guessing myself, as I stand in the cool midnight air with nothing but a thin gown separating me from the outside world.

The door turns green without a response from inside, so I enter cautiously. "Sorry if I woke you..." my voice echoes in the silence of the lab, a small light being the only source of luminance in the room. The door shuts behind me abruptly, causing me to jump slightly.

"You didn't wake me shep, was reading over night analysis of collector tissue samples," the small light is emitted from a data pad grasped in his spindly fingers, "wondering what you're doing awake at this hour? Human sleep schedule requires eight hours of sleep regularly, based on your returning time yesterday you've had approximately three hours of sleep- insomnia? Nightmare perhaps?" His face is barely visible, ebony eyes glistening in the low lighting.

"Yea had a terrible dream, couldn't go back to sleep." I walk further into the dim lab, smoothing a finger over his usual work bench. It would seem that he lays on a makeshift bed, fashioned from a few military grade cots, and a few comforters from my personal stash; although it's rudimentary, it seems effective and comfortable to my weak, prying eyes, "it was actually about you, and something I was told earlier."

This seems to snag his attention fully, as he sets the data pad down on a crate top, he offers me a slow blink before saying, "elaborate, if possible." He waves me over, and pats the space next to him on the makeshift bed.

"Well, I visited with aria for quite some time yesterday..."

The tension in the air becomes increasingly palpable, as I clear my throat trying to think of how to put this, "she told me about what happened between you two, it....explained a lot as to why you turned me down." I turn my eyes towards him slowly, eyes fluttering, "I just want you to know that I'd never ever pull a gun on you. I'd never try to take advantage of you or to just use you like that." Tears verge on spilling from my eyes, thinking about it all.

A soft sigh comes to my ears, "it's far more complex than that shepard, while yes it does have a part of emotion range doesn't line up with salarian enhanced metabolic processes, affection hard to maintain. I don't want to real peak in relationship far before you, besides I am old, life is too short to lead you on into waiting for significant other to die." He seems long winded, but listening to his speech is a welcome distraction from my emotional state; but the words he said passed straight over my head, as I was unwilling to hear such excuses.

"But what if it was worth it to me?" I question, looking into his eyes, "what if all the sadness was worth being with you for even a short time?"

Silence follows, only the smallest sounds of our breath fill the air- I study his shocked expression. It seems a variable has come up he previously had not accounted for- my true admiration, pain being worth the few days, weeks, months or years we could possibly end up spending together.

"You are someone who I admire greatly. Even though it's difficult you test me still. Had you not come to talk to me, things would've just returned to normal. I wouldn't have to acknowledge the feelings I carry for you, I wouldn't have to open the, uh, 'pandora's box' that we are about to. Just know that...I sincerely tried to scare you off to avoid what happens from here on out." He leans closer before trailing off, eyes flickering to my lips.

He closes the space, scarred lips pressing to mine.

Fluttering close, my eyes water as we share this time; he accepts me into his embrace, separating from the kiss, turning back to his data.

But for me, all is heaven.

We end up wrapped in each other, cuddling so close I can feel his heart beating through his chest- and would you believe it if I said he actually snores? So cute ❤️

I truly hope you enjoyed this cute little one shot

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